1. The Key Purpose of the standards within this suite has been agreed as

"To support productions to identify and remove potential and actual barriers to access for all staff, cast and crew, to increase the representation of Deaf, Disabled, Neurodivergent and/or Autistic (DDNA) people within the creative industries.".

Do you agree?



2. Please study the Functional Map (in the table below) developed with industry experts who confirmed all aspects of the role are covered below.

Do you agree?



3. Please review the below standard in detail. It has been suggested that generic HR interviewing NOS could be used to cover this aspect of the role. Do you agree?

SKSAC2 Advise productions on accessible auditions



4. Please review the below standard in detail. Although we have been advised that not all access coordinators would do this currently as part of their role, in order to future proof this standard suite, we should we keep this standard. Do you agree?

SKSAC6 Raise awareness of the role of access coordinators



5. Please add any other, further comments or suggestions in the box below.

You can now review each of the standards by clicking on the name.

Standards with a title followed by an * are imported from other suites of standards and are not under review. You can view and make an overall comment on these standards.

For the SKSAC prefixed standards you have the opportunity to make line-by-line comments on the text.

When you have finished click on the 'Previous page' button in the top left-hand corner of the page to return here.

If you have any questions, please email Krisztina.Biliczky@screenskills.com

National Occupational Standards for Access Coordination for Productions

Key area Functions  NOS title
Advise production and guide them on removing barriers to access for cast, crew and creatives Assess production documentation to identify and confirm access requirements  SSKSAC1 Scope access requirements for a production
Assist and monitor the audition process SKSAC2 Advise productions on accessible auditions
Confirm access requirements and liaise with cast, crew and creatives to make sure access requirements are met   SKSAC3 Work with the production team to address access requirements
Liaise with relevant departments and production teams to ensure resources are in place
Monitor and evaluate access requirements for productions Monitor how access requirements are met, and consistency of support is SKSAC4 Monitor access requirements on a production
Evaluate access on productions and share best practice SKSAC5 Evaluate and recommend changes to access policies and processes to improve productions
SKSAC6 Raise awareness of the role of access coordinators
Manage self and work Store and maintain access action plans and records SKSCMGS15 Organise, store and retrieve assets, data and information in the creative industries*
Manage and market your services  SKSCMGS1 Manage and market your services in the creative industries
Update and maintain knowledge and skills SKSCMGS2 Make the most of opportunities to increase your skills and gain experience in the creative industries*
Work with others  Collaborate with colleagues  SKSCMGS10 Work with colleagues, partners and suppliers in the creative industries*
SKSCMGS9 Support and manage junior colleagues in the creative industries*
Develop professional relationships and establish a support network for your role SKSCMGS11 Manage relationships with clients or customers in the creative industries*
SKSCMGS12 Develop and use professional networks in the creative industries*
Health & Safety Personal health & safety responsibility  PROHSS1 Make sure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety*