1. The key purpose of this NOS suite has been agreed as

These standards describe the generic skills applicable in creative media roles across the industry

Do you agree?




2.SKSGS1 title changed from

Manage and market yourself as a freelancer in the creative industries


Manage and market your services in the creative industries

Do you agree?




3. It was discussed and agreed that the content of SKSGS1 is more about getting work and managing as a self employed person, therefore all aspects of CPD and marketing were moved to be covered by SKSGS2 and SKSGS12.

Do you agree?



4. SKSGS3 title changed from

Work effectively in the creative industries


Manage your work in the creative industries

Do you agree?



5. SKSGS4 has a performance criteria about petty cash.

confirm that there is sufficient petty cash provision, if relevant, and that arrangements are in place to store it correctly in line with insurance instructions

Is this still valid?



6. SKSGS11 title changed from

Work effectively with clients or customers in the creative industries


Manage relationships with clients or customers in the creative industries

Do you agree?



7. SKSGS12 new performance criteria added in.

establish and maintain a professional online presence as required

Do you agree?



8. SKSGS12 has the following new knowledge statements added.

  • the tools to use for self-promotion
  • ways to market yourself and your services in your industry
  • the benefits of a professional online presence and the options to achieve this including promotional websites, blogs and use of social media

Do you agree?



9. SKSGS16 title changed from

Agree requirements and parameters for of design activity in the creative industries


Agree requirements and parameters for creative outputs in the creative industries

Do you agree?



10. It was discussed and agreed that the content of SKSGS1 is more about getting work and managing as a self employed person, therefore all aspects of CPD and marketing were moved to be covered by SKSGS2 and SKSGS12.

Do you agree?



11. It has been suggested by the NOS regulator that we should look at importing pan sector standards to cover the same content as some of our generic skills NOS within this suite.

The industry expert group is in the view that we should retain and update our creative industry specific NOS for the functions covered in this suite simply because they are tailored to meet the needs of our industry and they are also used across all creative industries including theatre, stage, live events, cultural heritage, sound and music production etc.

Please can you click at the link below and review in detail each specific pan sector NOS referred to in order to confirm whether you are happy to continue with the Creative Media Generic Skills NOS or if you prefer to use pan sector NOS in the document.

Management and Leadership NOS 2021

Business Enterprise NOS 2022

Are happy to continue with the sector specific Creative Media Generic Skils NOS? Answer No if you would like to adopt the pan sector NOS.



11a. Please add any further comments on this issue in the box below.


12. Please add any other, further comments or suggestions in the box below.


You can now review each of the standards by clicking on the name.

For all the standards you can use the buttons at the top of the page to say whether overall you are happy or not with that content.

Standards with a title in italics and followed by an * are imported from other suites of standards and are not under review.

For the GS prefixed standards you have the opportunity to make line by line comments on the text. When you have finished click on the 'Previous page' button in the top left-hand corner of the page to return here.

If you have any questions, please email Krisztina.Biliczky@screenskills.com

Key area Functions Current NOS title
MANAGE OWN WORK AREA AND DEVELOPMENT   GS1 Manage and market yourself as a freelancer in the creative industries
GS2 Make the most of opportunities to increase your skills and gain experience in the creative industries
GS3 Work effectively in the creative industries
GS12 Develop and use professional networks in the creative industries
GS13 Research information required for work in the creative industries
GS14 Present ideas and information to others in the creative industries
WORKING WITH OTHERS Manage others GS8 Manage the work of teams in the creative industries
GS9 Support and manage junior colleagues in the creative industries
Work collaboratively GS10 Work effectively with colleagues, partners and suppliers in the creative industries
GS11 Work effectively with clients or customers in the creative industries
GS16 Agree requirements and parameters of design activity in the creative industries
GS17 Provide creative and strategic direction for creative industry projects
MANAGING RESOURCES   GS4 Develop budgets in the creative industries
GS5 Manage budgets in the creative industries
GS6 Procure external services or supplies in the creative industries
GS7 Manage projects in the creative industries
GS15 Organise, store and retrieve assets, data and information in the creative industries
HEALTH & SAFETY Physical and mental safety PROHSS1 Make sure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety *
PROHSS6 Conduct a health and safety risk assessment of a workplace *
PROHSS2 Develop procedures to safely control work operations *