Below are the draft NOS units for Water Network Construction Operations, please click on the unit title to review and add comments.

Imported Units

Those in italic and marked with an asterix (*) are imported units, and are not under current review. However, you're welcome to provide an overall comment on the imported units, and their appropriateness in being included in this suite. This may help inform us to whether the unit is relevant to this suite, and may be used if this unit is reviewed in the future. To comment on the imported NOS, click on the below links and click the 'I would like to leave an overall comment' button at the top right hand side of the page.

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Carry out network construction operations

Manage network construction operations

* EUSMUNC1  Plan utility network construction operations

* EUSUMS2  Allocate and monitor the use of resources and people for utilities work

* INSML014  Use information for decision making                               

EUSMUNC11  Organise work activities on utilities networks

EUSMUNC12  Supervise utilities network construction operations across multiple sites

EUSMUNC13 Monitor the implementation of work activities for network construction operations

* COSVR710 Contribute to controlling work quantities and costs

EUSWNC7 Prepare work areas and materials for water network activities

Prepare resources and segregate area

* EUSMUNC6  Locate and avoid supply apparatus for Utilities Network Construction

EUSMUNC14 Monitor safety for site staff, the public, plant and vehicles

EUSMUNC15 Set out, operate and remove signing, lighting and guarding for highway/roadway works

Excavate, maintain and reinstate holes and trenches

* EUSMUNC7 Excavate and maintain holes and trenches for utilities network construction

* EUSMUNC8 Reinstate excavation and pavement surfaces after network construction operations

Operate tools and equipment

* EUSMUNC9 Operate powered tools, equipment and small mobile plant for utilities network construction

Install, replace and repair components

EUSWNC8 Assemble pipes and fittings for water network activities

EUSWNC10 Restore water network assets to operational condition

Join materials 

EUSMUNC16 Joint materials by electro fusion processes

EUSWNC12 Joint materials by mechanical means on water networks

EUSMUNC17 Joint materials by butt fusion processes

Test, disinfect, cleanse and sample water

EUSWNC14 Conduct hydrostatic pressure testing on water networks

* EUSWSD9 Disinfect water mains

* EUSWSD8 Cleanse water mains

* EUSTPC07 Take samples and measurements for quality assurance purposes

Control and Conduct connections

EUSWNC15a Control water mains connections to live networks in agreement with water companies

EUSWNC15b Carry out in-line water mains connections to live networks

EUSWNC15c Carry out under-pressure water mains connections to live networks

Commission and decommission networks

EUSWNC16 Commission and decommission water networks

Transfer control of networks

EUSMUNC18 Transfer control of completed utilities network projects

Install water services

EUSWNCa Install new domestic water services

EUSWNCb Install domestic meters

EUSWNCc Install commercial water services

Maintain health, safety and the environment

Maintain health and safety of people

* PROHSS6 Conduct a health and safety risk assessment of a workplace

* EUSMUNC10 Maintain a safe and secure working environment in Utilities Network Construction

* EUSWSD6 Mitigate risk in response to emergency events in the water industry

Comply with environmental requirements

EUSMUNC19 Ensure your own actions aim to protect the environment during utilities network activities

Work with other people

Work with colleagues

* INSML031 Develop and sustain working relationships with colleagues and stakeholders

* INSML029 Support employees’ learning and development

Work with customers and stakeholders

* EUSWSD10 Communicate with customers in the utilities sector

Manage self

Manage own work

* EUSMUNC4 Work in an efficient and effective way in the utilities sector