Bydd angen gwneud o leiaf 3 uned wybodaeth sylfaenol o Grŵp D.

Gwybodaeth Sylfaenol Grŵp D

Principles of flour milling and flour types for bakery
Principles of flour in bakery
Principles of fats and oils in bakery
Principles of sugars and starches in bakery
Principles of dairy products in bakery
Principles of egg and egg products in bakery
Principles of salt and dough conditioners/improvers in bakery
Principles of pre-mixes and concentrates in bakery
Principles of the Bulk Fermentation Process (BFP)
Principles of the Chorleywood Bread Process (CBP)
Principles of Mechanical Dough Development (MDD) using spiral mixing
Principles of dough fermentation and process control
Principles of yeast manufacture and storage in bakery
Principles of retarding and proving dough and process control
Principles of pastry lamination and process control
Principles of oven baking bakery products
Principles of cooling bakery products using automated processes
Principles of frying bakery products
Principles of preparing and handling bakery finishing materials
Principles of mixing flour confectionery and process control
Principles of hot plate baking bakery products
Principles of decorative pastes in bakery
Principles of packaging in bakery
Principles of improvement in food operations
Principles of continuous improvement techniques (Kaizen) in a food environment
Principles of sustainability in a food environment

3. Ydych chi’n fodlon gyda’r unedau dewisol arfaethedig a’r isafswm nifer y mae’n ofynnol eu cymryd yng Ngrŵp D?


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