Please select the draft standards below that you think would be most relevant to your role. Just click on the titles below to see, comment on and edit the detailed content. If you have any questions, please email

Please note, following to the industry review working groups changes have been made to this suite of standards as follows:

  1. The Overview section of each standard has been redrafted and updated to include the job roles each standard is relevant to – please check that these are all correct.

  2. The industry expert working groups proposed that the content of the standards should cover costume making, alteration and repair, costume design, continuity, sourcing, utilisation, recycling, maintenance, management and health and safety.

    Do you agree?



    If no, please explain.

  3. The title of the standard suite should be changed from Costume and Wardrobe to Costume for Film, TV and Theatre productions.

    Do you agree with this?



    If no, please explain.

  4. Industry expert working groups discussions have led to the following amendments.

    SKSQ1 Prepare costumes according to the schedule  Merged to create SKSQ1 Prepare costumes to meet production requirements
    SKSQ2 Prepare costumes to meet production requirements  SKSQ2 Manage costumes to meet production requirements  
    SKSQ3 Work with the production team to fulfil costume requirements   
    SKSQ5 Plan and implement the costume design Retitled SKSQ5 Finalise the costume design and plan costume production
    SKSQ7 Research the design concept Merged to create SKSQ7 Research the costume design concept 
    SKSQ8 Research the history of costume SKSQ8 Research costume for a production
    SKSQ9 Research the history of costume relevant to the production  
    SKSQ13 Identify and hire costumes for a production  Merged to create SKSQ12 Maintain and service costumes 
    SKSQ26 Buy costumes for a production SKSQ13 Source costumes for a production
    SKSQ15 Select costumes from stock Merged to create SKSQ16 Progress costume SKSQ17 Hire and return costumes orders
    SKSQ17 Carry out the check-out/in and return process
    SKSQ15 Progress costume orders
    SKSQ18 Contribute to maintaining costume continuity  Retitled SKSQ18 Assist with costume continuity 
    SKSQ19 Oversee and maintain costume continuity Retitled SKSQ19 Manage costume continuity
    SKSQ25 Dress stunt doubles Retitled SKSQ25 Assist with dressing stunt doubles
    SKSQ27 Carry out costume alterations Retitled SKSQ27 Carry out costume repairs and alterations on set 
    CCSWHM11 Trim hats Revised to create SKSQ31 Embellish garments, hats, footwear, and accessories for use in a production
    CCSWHM12 Repair and customise accessories for a production Revised to create SKSQ32 Repair and customize accessories for use in a production

    Do you agree with these amendments?



    If no, please explain.

  5. The industry expert working groups also suggested adding the follows imported standards.

    AMT25 Take measurements and assess figuration To support the fitting standard SKSQ11
    BCTC4 Construct patterns for bespoke tailoring To support advanced bespoke garment production 
    AMT2 Assess and develop given designs To cover design interpretations
    AMT3 Identify and agree product construction To cover product construction evaluation
    AMT26 Complete garment after fitting To support make-up of bespoke costumes
    AMT34 Apply fabric knowledge To cover fabric characteristics /behaviours and support design productions techniques and distressing/aging items 
    SKSD21 Develop final design proposals To cover the actual design of the costumes 
    SKSD2 Develop and communicate design ideas for textiles and materials To cover communication of the design concept
    SIM1 Collect fabric off-cuts and raw material waste for reuse or recycling To cover recycling /upcycling and environmental aspects
    SKSGS8 Manage the work of teams in the creative industries To cover team working

    Do you agree?



    If no, please explain.

You can now review each of the standards by clicking on the name.

Standards with a title followed by an * are imported from other suites of standards. After clicking on the link, use the buttons at the top of the page to indicate whether or not you are happy with the content of the standard. When you have finished, click on your browser back button to return to this page.

For the other standards you also have the opportunity to make line by line comments on the text. When you have finished click on the 'Previous page' button in the top left hand corner of the page to return here.

Research information

SKSQ7 Research the costume design concept

SKSQ8 Research costume for a production

Plan, agree and complete the costume design

Produce and finalise the design

SKSQ4 Create the costume breakdown

SKSQ5 Finalise the costume design and plan costume production

Acquire resources to fulfil the productions costume requirements

SKSQ6 Acquire resources needed to create the costume design

SKSQ17 Hire and return costumes

Utilise costumes

Prepare costume to meet production schedule and requirements

SKSQ13 Source costumes for a production

SKSQ1 Prepare costumes to meet production requirements

SKSQ2 Manage costumes to meet production requirements

Assist with costume and dressing on productions

SKSQ10 Assist performers with costumes and dressing

SKSQ23 Press costumes

SKSQ25 Assist with dressing stunt doubles

Maintain costume continuity

SKSQ18 Assist with costume continuity

SKSQ19 Manage costume continuity

Store, hire and return costume

SKSQ16 Progress costume orders

SKSQ17 Hire and return costumes

SKSQ14 Store, secure and track costumes

Maintain and distribute costume

SKSQ12 Maintain and service costumes

SKSQ22 Clean costumes used in a production

SKSQ23 Press costumes

SKSLDC3 Classify items and make up loads for cleaning*

SKSQ29 Set up and dismantle a temporary costume work area

SKSQ30 Set up a costume department

Produce, repair and alter costume

Produce costume

SKSQ11 Fit costume

SKSQ31 Embellish garments, footwear, hats, and accessories for use in a production

SKSAMT10 Create block patterns*

SKSAMT12 Adapt standard patterns*

SKSAMT13 Grade patterns manually *

SKSAMT14 Create a pattern via toile making *          

SKSAMT15 Create a pattern via modelling / draping *

SKSAMT17 Lay up, mark-in and cut materials *

SKSAMT22 Make up finished design *

SKSAMT25 Take measurements and assess figuration*

SKSBCT24 Construct patterns for bespoke tailoring*

SKSAMT2 Assess and develop given designs*

SKSAMT3 Identify and agree product construction*

SKSAMT26 Complete garment after fitting*

SKSAMT34 Apply fabric knowledge*

SKSD21 Develop final design proposals*

SKSD2 Develop and communicate design ideas for textiles and materials*

SKSSIM1 Collect fabric off-cuts and raw material waste for reuse or recycling*

UKFTMTSP41 Carry out the sewing process for clothing and related items *

SKSMSP1 Look after the work area in manufacturing sewn products*

SKSMSP2 Contribute to achieving product quality*

Repair and alter a costume

SKSQ20 Dye or print fabrics for costumes

SKSQ27 Carry out costume repairs and alterations on-set

SKSQ21 Break down and distress costumes

SKSLDC16 Repair, alter and maintain fabrics and materials

SKSQ32 Repair and customise accessories for use in a production

Manage self and others

Work effectively

SKSGS3 Work effectively in the creative industries *

SKSGS1 Manage and market yourself as a freelancer in the creative industries*

Work effectively with others

SKSGS9 Support and manage junior colleagues in the creative industries*

SKSGS10 Work effectively with colleagues, partners and suppliers in the creative industries*

SKSGS8 Manage the work of teams in the creative industries*

Health and safety

PROHSS1 Make sure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety*

PROHSS2 Develop procedures to safely control work operation *

PROHSS6 Conduct health and safety risk assessments of a workplace*