Title Principles of shellfish, non-marine finfish and marine food products
Level 3
Credit value 5
Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1.  Understand the range of species and principles of harvesting and stocks 1.1         Explain the range of commercial species that are commonly defined as shellfish, non-marine finfish and marine food products including alternative legally acceptable or approved commercial names 
1.2         Describe the methods commonly used to harvest these species and locations/regions/grounds from which they are harvested
1.3         Describe the role of aquaculture in supplying shellfish, non-marine finfish and marine food products for retail sale
1.4 Explain the current general state of stocks and species-specific issues including quotas, sustainability and the environmental impact of harvesting/aquaculture methods.
2.  Understand the principles of processing, packing and distribution of species and seasonal impacts 2.1   Summarise the different methods used to process and distribute live, chilled and frozen shellfish, non-marine finfish and marine food products
2.2   Describe the impact of seasonal variations and adverse weather conditions on a specific product availability, condition, quality and typical price
2.3   Clarify the range of shellfish, non-marine finfish and marine food products available including different packaging systems and processing methods such as MAP, Vac-pack, smoking, marinating, drying
2.4   Describe where to find up to date information on shellfish, non-marine finfish and marine food products for use by seafood retailers and consumers.
3.  Understand the principles of taste, flavour, nutrition of species and food safety issues 3.1   Explain taste and texture attributes of chilled, frozen, defrosted and products and how these are perceived by customers
3.2   Explain those species-specific attributes including flavour, texture, colour and oil content, packaging/presentation and other factors that may influence individual buying choices
3.3   Summarise general nutrition and health issues, including any species specific recommended consumption targets/limits
3.4   Describe specific food safety risks such as potential presence of allergens, contaminants, and other threats to human health and how these risks may be mitigated.
4.  Understand principles of consumer needs for species and quality assessment issues 4.1 Describe the typical forms, presentation styles, portion sizes for adults and children and suggested cooking methods/recipes for a variety of commercial products
4.2 Explain what alternative or substitute products and species may be suitable for the consumer, and the dietary, cultural or religious factors that may mitigate your advice
4.3 Summarise the quality assessment and quality indicators that apply to these products, and the limitations of shelf-life and best before dates 
4.4 Summarise the appropriate recommendations to consumers for handling and storage prior to consumption.
Additional information about the unit
  This unit supports workforce and/or vocational development for those who need to understand the principles of shellfish, non-marine finfish and marine food products, in processing, sales or wholesale environment, or in a learning environment.
Unit purpose and aim(s) The unit is designed for use primarily by operatives and team leaders who require to understand these principles in support of  workplace activities. It is also designed for those who plan to enter the fish/shellfish industry or employees who wish to expand on their existing knowledge and understanding. The aim of the unit is to assess underpinning knowledge and understanding to recognised national occupational standards.
Unit expiry date 30-Jun-15
Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate) This unit of assessment relates directly to Improve Sector Performance Standard (approved as National Occupational Standard) knowledge unit FP.150K Principles of shellfish, non-marine finfish and marine food products.
Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate) This unit is designed to assess the underpinning knowledge and understanding of learners in the workplace context, in the principles of shellfish, non-marine finfish and marine food products. It can be assessed on or off the job.
The learner must demonstrate their current knowledge and understanding, to meet all assessment criteria. Assessment methods appropriate to the needs of the learner must be used to generate satisfactory evidence of knowledge and understanding.
The Improve Assessment Strategy sets out the overarching assessment requirements.
Support for the unit from a SSC or appropriate other body (if required) Improve Food & Drink Skills Council
Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system 04 Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies
Name of the organisation submitting the unit FDQ on Behalf of Improve Awarding Organisation Forum
Availability for use Shared
Unit available from Jun-10
Unit guided learning hours 25
Unit Category Underpinning Knowledge (UK)
Unit Reference FP.150K
RITS Reference F/602/0617