Title Principles of flour in bakery
Level 3
Credit value 2
Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1.  Understand the composition of wheat flour 1.1 Critically compare the average nutritional composition of white bread-making flour to that of wholemeal and malted wheat flours
1.2 Explain the differences in nutritional composition of flours intended for non-fermented flour confectionery purposes.
2.  Understand the quality control tests for wheat flour components 2.1   Summarise the purpose and function of:
the grade colour figure test
types of moisture tests
types of protein tested
testing using the Farrand method
types of water absorption and dough quality tests
testing with the near infra-red reflectance method
testing using a gas production method.
3.  Understand the quality control parameters of wheat flour  3.1   Differentiate quality control parameters for moisture, protein, falling number, colour and water absorption for commercial flour grades including;
·      strong
·      bakers grade
·      CBP grade
·      patent
3.2   Explain what starch damage is and its impact on flour quality
3.3   Explain the importance of albumin, globulin, gliadin and glutenin proteins in flour and how they make up high and low molecular weight proteins.
4. Understand the functionality of wheat flour additives 4.1   Explain the functions of flour treatments including;
·      bleaching agents
·      improving or maturation agents
·      diastatic enzyme supplements
4.2   Explain the purpose and regulatory requirements for adding nutrient additives to flour
4.3   Summarise the functions of flour performance additives used by millers to meet the needs of particular customers and their processes.
Additional information about the unit
  This unit supports workforce and/or vocational development for those who need to understand the principles of flour in bakery, in a bakery or in a learning environment.
Unit purpose and aim(s) The unit is designed for use primarily by operatives, technicians and managers who carry out these workplace activities. It is also designed for those who plan to enter the bakery industry or employees who wish to expand on their existing knowledge and understanding. The aim of the unit is to assess underpinning knowledge and understanding to recognised National Occupational Standards.
Unit expiry date 31-Aug-15
Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate) This unit of assessment relates directly to Improve Sector Performance Standard (approved as National Occupational Standard) knowledge unit CB.301K Principles of flour milling and flour types for bakery.
Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate) This unit is designed to assess the underpinning knowledge and understanding of learners in the workplace context, for understanding the principles of flour in bakery. It can be assessed on or off the job.
The learner must demonstrate their current knowledge and understanding, to meet all assessment criteria. Assessment methods appropriate to the needs of the learner must be used to generate satisfactory evidence of knowledge and understanding.
The Improve Assessment Strategy for Proficiency Qualifications in Food and Drink sets out the overarching assessment requirements.
Support for the unit from a SSC or appropriate other body (if required) Improve Food & Drink Skills Council
Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system 04 Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies
Name of the organisation submitting the unit Improve on behalf of Improve Awarding Organisation Forum 
Availability for use Shared
Unit available from Aug-10
Unit guided learning hours 20
Unit Category  Underpinning Knowledge (UK)
Unit Reference CB.301.2K
RITS Reference K/602/4225