
This standard is about your ability to iron and press costumes using different techniques, appliances and accessories. This may involve carrying out work in a range of shooting locations, awareness of fabric construction and the properties of fibres, taking precautions to prevent damage, knowing the intended use of the costume and the chosen camera format and aspects of continuity.

This standard may be applicable to costume supervisors, costume assistants, costume stand bys, wardrobe assistants and costume makers.


Performance criteria

You must be able to do:

  1. identify and confirm costume requirements
  2. confirm continuity requirements
  3. acquire the correct pressing equipment to meet production requirements
  4. position pressing equipment safely and unobtrusively
  5. ensure equipment settings are correct for the items being pressed
  6. identify the required techniques for the costume and production requirements
  7. select and use different accessories i.e. sleeve boards, pads
  8. consider the camera format being used and the design of the shot
  9. select and use appropriate products when required i.e. spray starch
  10. follow COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) regulations
  11. communicate across production staff and other relevant departments or individuals
  12. follow health, safety and environmental legislation, policies and guidelines


Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand: 

  1. the production and costume requirements
  2. how to position, set and operate equipment safely
  3. Ironing and pressing techniques
  4. how to use the correct pressing or thermostat settings care labels and symbols
  5. the different appliances available for pressing and ironing costumes
  6. the impact different pressing techniques has on the items being pressed
  7. when not to press / iron due to the period/genre ‘look’
  8. the different accessories and products available and when to use them i.e., sleeve boards, pads, spray starch
  9. the relevant individual to liaise with to ensure requirements are being met
  10. production staff and departments involved and the communication protocol
  11. statutory responsibilities under health, safety, COSHH and environmental legislation