Title Principles of microbiology and parasitology in meat production
Level 4
Credit value 3
Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1.  Understand that organisms can cause disease in livestock and humans 1.1         State examples of diseases of red and white meat livestock species caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites
1.2         Explain what is meant by the term ‘zoonotic disease’.
1.3         State which livestock diseases can also cause disease in humans, including those which are notifiable.
2.  Understand the structure and life cycles of bacteria, fungi and viruses of relevance to livestock 2.1 Describe the structure of bacteria, fungi and viruses
2.2 Describe how bacteria, fungi and viruses grow and multiply
2.3      Explain the conditions necessary for the optimal growth and multiplication of bacteria, fungi and viruses
2.3 Outline the life-cycles of representative bacteria, fungi and viruses
2.4      Explain the significance of spore and toxin formation in bacteria to human health.
3. Understand the life cycles of representative parasites of relevance to livestock 3.1 Describe the life-cycles of representative parasites, to include examples of;
·      Endo-parasites 
·      Ecto-parasites
·      Direct lifecycles
·      Indirect Lifecycles
3.2 Explain how parasites can infect their hosts and spread between hosts.
4. Understand how practices in lairage or in the meat plant can affect the risk of spread of organisms capable of causing disease in livestock and humans 4.1 Summarise the potential sources and reservoirs of infection in lairage and in meat plants
4.2 Explain how poor practice in lairage and in meat plants can increase the risk of infection and spread of disease
4.3 Explain how good practices in lairage and in the meat plant can reduce the risk of infection.
Additional information about the unit
  This unit supports workforce and/or vocational development for those who need to know the principles of microbiology and parasitology in meat production.
Unit purpose and aim(s) The unit is designed for use primarily by meat inspectors, authorised officers in meat operations and others in the meat and poultry industry. It is also designed for those who plan to enter the food and drink industry or employees who wish to expand on their existing knowledge and understanding. The aim of the unit is to assess underpinning knowledge and understanding to recognised National Occupational Standards.
Unit expiry date 31/10/2015
Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate) This unit of assessment relates directly to Improve Sector Performance Standard (approved as National Occupational Standard) knowledge unit MP.209K Principles of microbiology and parasitology in meat production.
Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate) This unit is designed to assess the underpinning knowledge and understanding of learners in the workplace context, for understanding the principles of microbiology and parasitology in meat production. It can be assessed on or off the job.
The learner must demonstrate their current knowledge and understanding, to meet all assessment criteria. Assessment methods appropriate to the needs of the learner must be used to generate satisfactory evidence of knowledge and understanding.
The Improve Assessment Strategy for Proficiency Qualifications in Food and Drink sets out the overarching assessment requirements.
Support for the unit from a SSC or appropriate other body (if required) Improve Food & Drink Skills Council
Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system 04 Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies
Name of the organisation submitting the unit FDQ on behalf of Improve Organisation Forum
Availability for use Shared
Unit available from 01/11/2010
Unit guided learning hours 24
Unit Category Underpinning Knowledge (UK)
Unit Reference MP.209K
RITS Reference R/602/6227