National Skills Academy for Food & Drink Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government

Meat and Poultry Welsh Apprenticeship Review

Adolygiad Prentisiaeth Cymru - Cig a Dofednod


On behalf of Welsh Government, the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink is contracted to undertake a four-week public consultation on the review of the Meat and Poultry Apprenticeship Pathway for Wales.

We would be interested to hear from apprentices, employers, training providers, awarding bodies, assessors and other stakeholders in Wales to ensure the Pathway is fit for purpose.

This Pathway contains Levels 2 and 3 and we would welcome feedback on the content of the apprenticeships and the qualifications that underpin it.

The consultation includes a number of questions.  These questions are not exhaustive and we would welcome your comments on any related issue.  Please provide reasons alongside your answers where possible.

This consultation should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. The consultation will be open until Friday February 19th 2021.

Every comment is valuable. Thank you very much for taking part.



Ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru, mae’r Academi Sgiliau Genedlaethol ar gyfer Bwyd a Diod  wedi'i gontractio i gynnal ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus dros bedair wythnos ar yr adolygiad o Lwybr Prentisiaeth Cymru Cig a Dofednod.

Byddem yn hoffi clywed gan brentisiaid, cyflogwyr, darparwyr hyfforddiant, cyrff dyfarnu, aseswyr a rhanddeiliaid eraill yng Nghymru er mwyn sicrhau bod y Llwybr yn addas i’r diben.

Mae'r Llwybr hwn yn cynnwys Lefelau 2 a 3 a byddem yn croesawu adborth ar gynnwys y prentisiaethau a’r cymwysterau sy’n sylfaen iddynt.

Mae sawl cwestiwn yn yr ymgynghoriad hwn. Nid yw'n rhestr lawn a byddem yn croesawu eich sylwadau ar unrhyw fater cysylltiedig. Nodwch resymau wrth eich atebion lle'n bosibl.

Dylai gymryd tua 20-30 munud i gwblhau'r ymgynghoriad, a bydd ar agor tan ddydd Gwener 19 Chwefror 2021.

Mae pob sylw’n werthfawr. Diolch yn fawr am gymryd rhan.