Scottish Modern Apprenticeships Scottish Modern Apprenticeship Framework in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF level 6
Version 1.2
Dated November 2020
The Framework
It is expected that apprentices following this framework will take on average:
Pathways 1-6 – on average 12 months to complete. This includes 10% of time for off-the-job training. Pathways 1-6 do not have additional knowledge qualifications this is included in the SVQ.
Pathway 7 – on average 36 months to complete. This includes a minimum 20% of time for off-the-job training.
Pathway 7 is longer in duration due to the higher credits, additional knowledge qualifications and time required to develop competence for this more complex pathway. MAs starting on this pathway are required to meet the entry requirements which will provide them with some underpinning knowledge for this pathway.
Mandatory Outcomes
SVQ(s)/ CBQs
Each apprentice is required to achieve the following qualifications depending on the pathway they are following.
For pathways 1-6 the relevant SVQ at SCQF L6 qualifications must be completed i.e. a different qualification for each pathway).
For pathway 7 there are two SVQs which must be completed
Reference number
Awarding Body
SCQF credit points
Pathway 1 – Food and Drink Operations (Bakery Skills) at SCQF Level 6
GP3Y 23
SQA & Scottish Bakers
Pathway 2 - Food and Drink Operations (Fish and Shellfish Industry Skills) at SCQF Level 6
GR5R 23
Pathway 3 - Food and Drink Operations (Meat and Poultry Skills) at SCQF Level 6
GR61 23
Pathway 4 - Food and Drink Operations (Supply Chain Skills) at SCQF Level 6
GP3T 23
GP1T 23
SQA & Scottish Bakers
Pathway 5 - Food and Drink Operations at SCQF Level 6
GP3X 23
GP1X 23
SQA & Scottish Bakers
Pathway 6 - Food and Drink Operations (Food Manufacturing Excellence) at SCQF Level 6
GP1Y 23
Pathway 7 - Food and Drink Operations – Engineering Maintenance at SCQF level 6
Performing Engineering Operations at SCQF 5
GL46 23
GL2P 22
GL6E 22
All Scottish Apprenticeships must contain a relevant Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) or Competency Based Qualifications (CBQs). SVQs and CBQs are work-based qualifications based on National Occupational Standards of competence drawn up by representatives from each industry sector. They are made up of units – normally between six and ten – which break a job down into separate functions reflecting the different kind of activities of a job. SVQs and CBQs are available at a range of levels – although most are at SCQF levels 5, 6 and 7. When someone has achieved an SVQ or CBQ, there is a guarantee that they have the skills and knowledge needed to do their job.
Work Place Core Skills
Each apprentice is required to achieve the following Work Place Core Skills:
Core Skills
SCQF level
SCQF credit points
Working with others
Problem Solving
Information and Communication Technology
For pathways 1 – 6 all Core Skills need to be separately certificated at level SCQF 5 or above
For pathway 7 ICT and numeracy need to be separately certificated at level SCQF 5 or above.
Core Skills are skills and abilities which everyone needs in their work. This is true for every job in every workplace. Core Skills also feature in National Qualifications such as National 5s and Highers and from 2000, Scottish candidates have been issued with a Core Skills profile on their Scottish Qualifications Certificate. Candidates who have already been certificated as achieving Core Skills at the levels given above – either in the workplace or at school or college - do not need to repeat these Work Place Core Skills as part of the Apprenticeship Framework.
There are different enhancements depending on the pathway the apprentice is following as listed below:
Pathways 1-6
All apprentices must achieve two additional outcomes. An additional outcome should be a relevant short course at a suitable level, with a minimum of 10 learning hours. This may be industry-specific or of broader relevance to the learner or business, and must be agreed by the learner, employer and training provider at the beginning of the Modern Apprenticeship programme and shown in the Training Plan. The enhancement outcomes must be new learning. The learner must complete these outcomes in the duration of the apprenticeship programme.
Examples of additional learning outcomes:
Food Hygiene Intermediate Certificate
Additional SVQ units from any qualifications at SCQF L6 or above (e.g., Management or Team Leading)
SVQ Food and Drink Operations Principles/Knowledge units at SCQF L5 or above
Units from the Certificate in Protecting the Welfare of Animals at Time of Killing
HACCP (Intermediate Level)
Health and Safety Certificate
ESOL: Work and Study Related Contexts (Access 3/Intermediate 1)
ECDL/PC Passport
Food Safety for Manufacturing Award
Coaching Certificate
Manual Handling Certificate
Pathway 7 Engineering Maintenance
Apprentices must complete as least one of the following qualifications:
NC Engineering Systems SQA code: GD2F 45 SCQF level 5
HNC Engineering Practice SQA code G86L 15, SCQF level 7
Optional Outcomes
Optional outcomes provide the opportunity for employers to provide additional learning where appropriate, depending on the job role.
Additional learning may include units from a relevant SVQ in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF L6 or above; relevant short courses; and relevant professional qualifications. Examples of optional outcomes may be taken from the Enhancements section above, or may be industry or organisation-specific.
Examples of areas that optional outcomes may cover:
People skills such as team leader, managing others, working in a team
Manager or supervisor skills development
Communications in the workplace
Report writing at management level
Large scale processing outcomes
How to deal with complaints
Conflict resolution
Dealing with personnel issues
Employment law
Food Hygiene Intermediate Certificate
Additional SVQ units from any qualifications at SCQF L6 or above (e.g., Management or Team Leading)
SVQ Food and Drink Operations Principles/Knowledge units at SCQF L5 or above
HACCP (Intermediate Level)
Health and Safety Certificate
ESOL: Work and Study Related Contexts (Access 3/Intermediate 1)
Food Safety for Manufacturing Award
Coaching Certificate
Manual Handling Certificate
First aid
Water Treatment
Registration and Certification
This Scottish Apprenticeship is managed by the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink. The SSC is the first point of contact in Scotland for any enquiries in relation to the Framework. Contact details:
National Skills Academy for Food and Drink
The Catalyst
Baird Lane
YO10 5GA
Telephone: 0845 644 0448
The SSC will register Scottish Apprentices undertaking this Framework. All apprentices undertaking this framework must be registered with the SSC within 4 weeks of starting their apprenticeship.
Registration can be made by completing the Sample Training Plan and Sample Training Agreement in Appendix 3 and completing the online registration system (MA Online 2, In the case of MAs which receive funding it is acceptable for the Skills Development Scotland Training Plan to be used on the condition that it includes all relevant information as set out in the MA Training Plan.
The SSC will issue a Modern Apprenticeship Certificate of Completion to those Modern Apprentices who have completed the mandatory outcomes of the Framework. Before a certificate is issued, training providers must submit evidence to the SSC that the mandatory outcomes have been achieved. This will normally be in the form of photocopies of certificates from awarding bodies.
Requests for registration and certification should be made to the SSC at the address above.
SSCService level
The SSC undertakes to confirm the registration of candidates in writing within 4 weeks of receipt of the relevant Training Plan and Training Agreement. Each candidate will be issued with a unique registration number.
The SSC also undertakes to issue Certificates of Completion within 4 weeks of receipt of the appropriate evidence that a candidate has completed the outcomes as stated in the Training Plan.
Recruitment and selection
The recruitment and selection of Apprentices is primarily the responsibility of the employer. However, the following guidance is given:
Employees may enter an apprenticeship from the age of 16. There is no upper age limit.
The Apprenticeship is designed to attract high quality people to the industry. Achievement of academic qualifications is one way of assessing the suitability of applicants. However, it should be stressed that no persons should be deterred from applying for a Scottish apprenticeship because of a lack of formal educational qualifications. As well as traditional qualifications such as Standard Grades and Highers, employers should also be aware of newer vocational qualifications or vocational activity undertaken out with an academic institution, such as volunteering activity.
The following factors may also influence the selection process:
performance during a formal interview process
relevant work experience
trial observation period.
Employers should be aware of the nature, relevance and quality of foreign qualifications and make appropriate allowances concerning entry requirements.
In order to promote and maintain the high status of the Apprenticeship within the industry all literature distributed for recruitment purposes should emphasise the high standards of achievement expected of the candidate.
Employers may wish to contact the SSC for advice and guidance on recruitment and selection.
For apprentices starting on the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF Level 6 the entry requirements are set out below.
Pathways 1 - 6
Apprentices starting on these pathways (Bakery, Fish and Shellfish, Meat and Poultry, Supply Chain, Food and Drink Operations and Food Manufacturing Excellence) there are no specific entry requirements. However, completion of the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF Level 5 (or equivalent), or previous experience of working within the industry may be beneficial.
Pathway 7
For apprentices starting on Engineering Maintenance pathway, the following entry requirements should be met:
4 national level 5s at grade C and above, preferable to have maths, English and two other technical subjects.
SVQ Performing Engineering Operations at SCQF Level 5 or similar qualification.
Equal opportunities
Apprenticeships should ensure that there is equality of opportunity for all and any barriers (real or perceived) are addressed to support anyone seeking to enter employment to undertake the Modern Apprenticeship.
All apprenticeships supported by Skills Development Scotland must conform to any contractual requirements on equal opportunities. All employers of Apprentices should have an Equal Opportunities policy statement.
Health and Safety
All aspects of health and safety at work must be recognised within the delivery of this Apprenticeship Framework and all statutory requirements be adhered to. It is a key aspect of the induction period of the Apprenticeship that apprentices are fully informed both of the regulations and that they and their employers are bound by these regulations. Apprentices should be made aware of their rights and duties with regard to health and safety.
All Apprentices supported by Skills Development Scotland will be required to satisfy the adequacy of SDS’s Health and Safety policy and systems.
The following three contracts are essential to the successful outcome of the Apprenticeship programme:
Contract of employment signed by the employer and the Apprentice for employed apprentices.
SSC Training Agreement - this agreement outlines the basis of the modern apprenticeship, refers to the contract of employment and includes Health and Safety responsibilities. A sample SSC Training Agreement is set out in Appendix 3.
SSC Training Plan - this plan outlines the selected outcomes and the expected duration of the apprenticeship. In cases where funding is offered by SDS, the SDS Training Plan will be sufficient on condition that it contains all relevant information as set out in the Sample Training Plan at Appendix 3. Training Plans may be modified to reflect changing circumstances; however it is essential that the SSC is notified of any changes.
Employment status of Apprentices
It is important that the sector offers genuine employment and career prospects to those people it wishes to attract through Scottish Apprenticeships. Accordingly, allapprentices must be employed with the exception of Foundation Apprenticeships which are delivered as part of the senior phase in schools.
All Scottish Apprenticeships must have a demonstrable need to acquire significant new knowledge and skills to fulfil their job role. The apprenticeship framework selected for the apprentice must be the most appropriate learning programme generally available to that individual, providing such knowledge and skills.
Terms and conditions of employment
In order to compete with other sectors offering employed apprenticeships, attractive packages will need to be developed by employers in the sector. The terms and conditions of employment for individual Apprentices will be agreed between the employer and the apprentice and should form the contract of employment.
Training and development
Training delivery can take many forms under the Apprenticeship system. Some organisations may become approved SVQ Assessment Centres; others may join a consortium or use peripatetic assessors. Some large employers will be able to complete all the training and development in-house, but most employers will find that some of the training and development will have to take place away from the normal workplace. In particular the underpinning knowledge requirements are often more suited to delivery by outside training providers which might include:
private training organisations
colleges / universities
other employers
Such knowledge could be delivered through training courses or through open/distance learning packages.
The option of sharing training and assessment resources amongst a cluster of employers (or across the divisions of a larger employer) will be particularly appealing to those firms which do not have the resources to provide all of the training and development. Assessment can be provided by these bodies, but the assessors and the training centre must be approved by the awarding bodies for the SVQ and Work Place Core Skills where appropriate.
List of Training Providers
Organisations currently approved to deliver the Modern Apprenticeship Framework in Scotland
Craft Skills Scotland
Dawnfresh Seafoods
Fife College
RT Resources
Scottish bakers
Scottish Meat Training
Delivery of Training for the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF level 6
Work-based training
Delivery and assessment method
This applies to all the qualifications within the Food and Drink Operations Framework.
Where appropriate assessments should be carried out in the workplace with the use of portfolios to provide evidence. These should, where appropriate, be supported by mentor / supervisor statements or other appropriate methods.
Regular reviews should take place with the apprentice as well as their employer/ mentor / supervisor (whichever is appropriate) to discuss progress.
Skills required by training providers delivering the training
Any of the following should be held by those undertaking delivery
Those involved in delivery of SVQ, NCs and HNCs are advised to check with the SQA Accreditation guidance on assessor and verifier competence requirements and the note issued September 2013. Assessors and verifiers who currently hold D or A and V Units are still considered to be qualified assessors and internal verifiers/external verifiers and are not required to undertake the new Units. However, they must be working to the current NOS and undertaking appropriate continuous professional development. Any new assessors and verifiers, who do not currently hold any of these qualifications, should undertake the qualifications based on the current Learning and Development (L & D) NOS.
The relationship between the current L & D Units and previous Assessor and Verifier qualifications can be found on the attached link.
Assessors should also check the Assessment Strategy for SVQs and the NCs and HNCs as issued by the appropriate awarding body.
Occupational competence is required for the specified qualification secured from previous experience.
It is good practice to be able to show staff involved in delivery maintain:
their industry knowledge through CPD activities
participate in in-house or awarding body training and workshops / standardisation sessions.
Delivery of underpinning knowledge (if no formal off-the job requirement)
Learners will achieve the SVQs which contain underpinning knowledge and this will be developed and assessed through methods such as:
on-going training with their assessor and/or employer.
question and answer sessions
written and oral tasks involving research
study and in house development
task based work activity
on line learning
off line tutorials
For pathway 7 the delivery of the enhancements which provide underpinning knowledge should be agreed between the employer, provider and apprentice to suit the needs of the business and could take one or more of the methods above.
Off-the-job training
Details of off-the-job training (please state if not applicable)
Most of the delivery takes place on the job and where it does take place off the job then it should be relevant to the apprenticeship pathway and the role of the individual. It is suggested that this may be around 10% of the total time of the framework for pathways 1-6 and 20% for pathway 7.
For pathway 7 the delivery of the enhancements should be agreed between the employer, provider and apprentice to suit the needs of the business.
Delivery and assessment method
The time taken to complete will vary and be dependent on the award chosen.
Delivery will also be something agreed between the apprentice, employer and provider to suit the needs of the business but may include:
Attending day /block release
Distance learning
Using on line tutorials
Completion of work based projects.
For pathway 7 the delivery of the PEO this is likely to take place off the job and can be delivered through an appropriate approach as agreed by the employer, training provider and apprentice and may take on of the following forms:
A continuous block of off-the-job training
A series of shorter blocks of off-the-job training together with periods of work-based learning in-company
A ‘3-days off, 2-days on’ pattern (or vice versa)
Not applicable
The SSC training plan
The plan is required to identify:
The selected Framework outcomes, specifying whether or not separate certification of the Core Skills is being sought.
A summary of the Apprentices accredited prior learning
A timetable for achievement of the selected Framework outcomes, linked to regular progress reviews.
The Training Plan should take into account any relevant previous training and development, education or work experience. Not all Apprentices need have different plans, but many will vary. Moreover as reviews take place and circumstances change so the plan itself can be modified.
However any changes must:
be subject to the quality provisions of Skills Development Scotland (if the apprenticeship is being financially supported)
comply with the stipulations of this Framework
meet the needs of the employer and apprentice.
A sample Training Plan is provided at Appendix 3 of this document, however, for those Apprentices funded by SDS area office it is sufficient to submit the Skills Development Scotland Training Plan on condition that it covers the same information required in the apprenticeship Training Plan.
Consultation Process
The review of the Modern Apprenticeship frameworks ran in parallel with the review of the SVQs in Food Manufacture during 2012, using a mix of one-to-one meetings with employers; workshops and group meetings with stakeholders including employers, trade associations and training providers; online questionnaires and telephone interviews.
Initial consultation
Over 30 face-to-face consultation meetings were held with the industry between the end of March and end of August 2012. These were with individual food and drink companies; stakeholders such as the Scottish Food and Drink Federation, the Sea fish Industry Authority, the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers, and Dairy UK (Scotland); consultation workshops such as those for Meat and Poultry, Bakery, Fish and Shellfish; and a Learning Provider Group. At these meetings both the SVQ and Modern Apprenticeships were discussed.
The employers consulted, broadly represented the sector. The subsectors represented were: bakery, meat and poultry, fish, fresh produce, dairy, beverages, cereal and milling, and general food and drink. Small and micro companies were represented by their trade associations.
Initial consultation findings
Most employers supported the title change of the suite of SVQs to ‘Food and Drink Operations’ reflecting the broader functions of the industry than is suggested by ‘Food Manufacture’.
Employers supported the use of the SVQs as the competence based qualifications, which were reported to have worked well and were a good fit with business needs.
Initial consultation indicated support for Core Skills at level SCQF 4 for the Modern Apprenticeship Level 3. These were said to meet business needs, and higher level Core Skills might be a barrier to learning.
The industry liked the flexibility offered currently in the Modern Apprenticeship Level 2 and wanted a similar approach to be adopted for Level 3, as the outgoing Level 3 framework was thought to be restrictive.
Final consultation
Participants in the initial consultation were re-surveyed online in October/November 2012 to expand on the initial results, further probing their rationale, for example about the level of Core Skills.
Telephone interviews with non-respondents to the online questionnaire, were carried out after the consultation had been open for two weeks.
Results of final consultation
Title of framework
It was almost unanimous that the title of the new framework should be the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations.
Core Skills
Respondents gave mixed responses for the appropriate level of Core Skills. As a result, further telephone interviews were carried out with employers, stakeholders and centres to explore the strength of feeling on this issue and their rationale.
Improve Limited has set Core Skills for the Modern Apprenticeship Level 3 at SCQF level 5, the minimum recommended by the Modern Apprenticeship Group (MAG), which is in line with consultation results.
Overall, it was agreed that there should be two additional outcomes, or enhancements, which may be industry-specific or of broader relevance to the business for the Modern Apprenticeship Level 3 and so provide a flexible approach.
Optional outcomes
It was agreed that the framework should include optional outcomes that could be tailored to different job roles and help to develop a rounded individual.
Additional framework development activity in 2013
The extensive consultation in 2012 identified the need for further development work to cover job roles in the sector not covered in the MA framework. The development identified the requirement for a new SVQ qualification and MA pathway for Fish and Shellfish Industry Skills at Level 3. The 2013 project developed new NOS, Units of Competence and the SVQ.
The need for new units for the Level 3 Meat and Poultry to provide appropriate choice for a wider range of butchers and meat processing staff was also identified in the 2012. The 2013 project developed new NOS, Units of Competence and added these to the existing Level 3 Meat and Poultry SVQ.
During the project, further consultation was carried out with Fish and Meat and Poultry employers and stakeholders. This followed a similar methodology to the 2012 work, but as the principles for the framework were recent and did not need to be reviewed again, Level 3 work was restricted to fish and Meat and Poultry. The consultation was smaller than last year, and broadly supported the findings from 2012, in terms of MA structure, core skills and enhancement outcomes.
Summary of results
1. Competence based qualification for the Modern Apprenticeship Level 3 should be one of:
SVQ Food and Drink Operations (Bakery Skills) Level 3
SVQ Food and Drink Operations (Fish and Shellfish Industry Skills) Level 3
SVQ Food and Drink Operations (Meat and Poultry Skills) Level 3
SVQ Food and Drink Operations (Supply Chain Skills) Level 3
SVQ Food and Drink Operations Level 3
SVQ Food and Drink Operations (Food Manufacturing Excellence) Level 3
2. The title of framework agreed as the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations, Level 3
3. Core Skills set at SCQF 5
4. Enhancements: two additional outcomes
5. Optional outcomes to be included in the framework.
Additional framework activity in 2015
During the end of 2014 and early 2015 the Food and Drink industry identified the need for further development work to cover multi-skilled maintenance engineering job roles in the sector not covered in the MA framework. The development identified the requirement for a new SVQ qualification which was more specific to food and drink engineers to include areas around food safety, food science and the impact of engineering maintenance on the food products they are working with. Therefore, new NOS and an SVQ were developed and added into the Food and Drink Operations MA as a pathway for Engineering Maintenance Skills at Level 3.
During the project, consultation was carried out across the Scottish Food and Drink sector particularly focussing on food and drink maintenance engineers and stakeholders, including Trade Associations, providers and Scottish Food and Drink Federation. This followed a similar methodology to the previous work outlined above. Both face to face meetings, telephone discussions and on line surveys. A final consultation of the proposed Modern Apprenticeship Framework was available for comment during November 2015.
The results of the consultation activity supported an engineering maintenance pathway in this Food and Drink MA, giving the specific skills and knowledge required by those working in this part of the sector. The general consensus was that it should have some of the content of the generic engineering framework to allow for transferability to other engineering sectors along with the inclusion of the level 5 PEO to provide the basic skills and knowledge required for engineering.
Those who responded also suggested it should last on average 3 years to maintain parity to other Engineering MAs. It was also suggested that this pathway would require entry requirements as now set out in the recruitment and selection section.
The enhancement section was also identified for this pathway as requiring learners to complete at least a National Certificate providing valuable underpinning knowledge.
Questions were also asked on types of progression and additional options that would enhance this pathway.
Core skills should be embedded in this framework and be at SCQF level 5.
Additional Framework activity in 2020
Following a review of the SVQs for the Meat and Poultry and Fish and Shellfish sector with sector employers and stakeholders, the resulting SVQs underwent minor content updates and changes to qualification codes:
Pathway 2 Fish and Shellfish Old code GJ1M 23 has been replaced by GR5R 23.
Pathway 3 Meat and Poultry Code GG54 23 qualification has now lapsed and has been withdrawn. Old code GG6C 23 has been replaced by GR61 23
The Modern Apprenticeship Framework has been updated into the newly approved template and consultation has been undertaken with sector employers to confirm they are still supportive of the Modern Apprenticeship Framework, using a consultation approach based around telephone discussions and online consultation.
Career progression
Following completion of the Apprenticeship, candidates should be able to achieve positions in areas such as:
The pathways in the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF L6 are:
Pathway 1 – Bakery Skills
Pathway 2 – Meat and Poultry Skills
Pathway 3 – Fish and Shellfish Industry Skills
Pathway 4 – Supply Chain Skills
Pathway 5 – Food and Drink Operations – generic pathway containing technical and supervisory units
Pathway 6 – Food Manufacturing Excellence
Pathway 7 – Engineering Maintenance
There is a clear link between SVQs at SCQF L5 and those at SCQF L6, which makes progression easier, and encourages the movement of learners from one pathway to another, i.e., lateral career moves as well as upward progression. Knowledge units now sit across all the pathways to avoid duplication when lateral moves are made. For example, a learner may undertake the Meat and Poultry pathway at SCQF L5, progress to Meat and Poultry at SCQF L6, then go on to the Food Manufacturing Excellence, SCQF L6.
Progression from the above pathways include:
Applying the skills and knowledge acquired during the apprenticeship to a relevant job in the same food and drink sub-sector and continuing to develop craft, technical skills and supervisory/management skills
Lateral career moves to other food and drink sub-sectors and further developing their skills and knowledge
Lateral progression to another Modern Apprenticeship/SVQ pathway in Food and Drink Operations or Engineering at the same level to further develop industry-specific skills or generic supervisory, technical or business improvement skills
In-house development
Progression into higher education
Following completion of the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF L6, candidates should be able to achieve positions such as those shown in the pathway tables below, which give typical (but not exhaustive) progression and exit routes:
Bakery Skills Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Sales/Service Manager (Baking)
Sales/Service management within a baking organisation
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in food science/food technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
MA/SVQ at SCQF L6 Food and Drink Operations
MA/SVQ at SCQF L6 Food and Drink Operations (Food Manufacturing Excellence)
Specialised baking
Master Baker
Craft baking
Specialised confectionery
Cake Decorator
Specialised cake decorating
Sweet confectionery
Fish and Shellfish Industry Skills Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Sales/Service Manager
Managing sales/service within a fish or shellfish organisation
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in food science/food technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
MA/SVQ at SCQF L6 Food and Drink Operations
MA/SVQ at SCQF L6 Food and Drink Operations (Food Manufacturing Excellence)
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in food science/food technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
MA/SVQ at SCQF L6 Food and Drink Operations
MA/SVQ at SCQF L6 Food and Drink Operations (Food Manufacturing Excellence)
Operations Manager (Meat and Poultry)
Operations and processes within meat production
Sales/Service Manager (Meat and
Sales/service management within a meat and poultry
Supply Chain Skills Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Food and Drink Operative (Logistics)
Managing packing, dispatch, supply chain, distribution within a food and drink organisation
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in food science/food technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
MA/SVQ at SCQF L6 Food and Drink Operations
MA/SVQ at SCQF L6 Food and Drink Operations (Food Manufacturing Excellence)
MA at SCQF L6 Freight Logistics
SVQ at SCQF L6 or above Supply Chain Management
Manager, Supply Chain (Food
Managing aspects of the food and drink process and manufacture supply chain
Manager, Logistics (Food
Managing food and drink stock deliveries and stock control
Food and Drink Operations Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Product Development Manager
Developing new products, continual improvement of existing products and ongoing assessment of consumer portfolios
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in food science/food technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
MA/SVQ at SCQF L6 Food and Drink Operations (Food Manufacturing Excellence)
Production Manager
Responsible for every aspect of production of the finished food product, ranging from sourcing and correct storage of raw materials to processing and packaging of the product ready for distribution
Sales/Service Manager (Food
Sales/service management within a food and drink organisation
Specialist Operative – Food
Managing processing and manufacture of food products
Manager, Facilities (Food
Managing facilities and resources within a highly automated food and drink manufacturing organisation
Food and Drink Quality Audit
Ensuring required food and drink quality standards are met and
Maintenance Manager (Food Industries)
Maintaining food and drink production equipment
Diagnostics Technician (Food
Faulting and problem solving equipment used for food
manufacture and processing
Food Manufacturing Excellence Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Organisation and Development
Manager (Food and Drink)
Business optimisation and improvement within a food and
drink organisation
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in food science/food technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
MA/SVQ Level 3 Food and Drink Operations
Technical Manager (Food and
Undertaking technical projects within a food and drink
production environment
Team Leader (Food and Drink)
Managing a team delivering food manufacture and processing
objectives, implementing Lean principles
Food and Drink Productivity
Improving and sustaining productivity within a food and drink manufacturing organisation
Engineering Maintenance Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Maintenance Manager (Food
Maintaining food and drink production equipment
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in Engineering/Science/Food Technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
MA/SVQ Level 3 Food and Drink Operations
Diagnostics Technician (Food
Faulting and problem solving equipment used for food
manufacture and processing
Food Production Engineer
Supporting continuous improvement projects, reacting to breakdowns, fault finding and problem solving on machinery and equipment in the manufacturing and production of food
Engineering Section Leader (Food Industries)
Supervise a team of fitters of maintenance staff, scheduling and overseeing preventive maintenance activities. Responsible for facilities and stock. Analysing data and checking for recurrent maintenance.
Further information on careers in the food and drink industry can be found at :
Scottish Modern Apprenticeships Scottish Modern Apprenticeship Framework in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF level 6
Version 1.2
Dated November 2020
The Framework
It is expected that apprentices following this framework will take on average:
Pathways 1-6 – on average 12 months to complete. This includes 10% of time for off-the-job training. Pathways 1-6 do not have additional knowledge qualifications this is included in the SVQ.
Pathway 7 – on average 36 months to complete. This includes a minimum 20% of time for off-the-job training.
Pathway 7 is longer in duration due to the higher credits, additional knowledge qualifications and time required to develop competence for this more complex pathway. MAs starting on this pathway are required to meet the entry requirements which will provide them with some underpinning knowledge for this pathway.
Mandatory Outcomes
SVQ(s)/ CBQs
Each apprentice is required to achieve the following qualifications depending on the pathway they are following.
For pathways 1-6 the relevant SVQ at SCQF L6 qualifications must be completed i.e. a different qualification for each pathway).
For pathway 7 there are two SVQs which must be completed
Reference number
Awarding Body
SCQF credit points
Pathway 1 – Food and Drink Operations (Bakery Skills) at SCQF Level 6
GP3Y 23
SQA & Scottish Bakers
Pathway 2 - Food and Drink Operations (Fish and Shellfish Industry Skills) at SCQF Level 6
GR5R 23
Pathway 3 - Food and Drink Operations (Meat and Poultry Skills) at SCQF Level 6
GR61 23
Pathway 4 - Food and Drink Operations (Supply Chain Skills) at SCQF Level 6
GP3T 23
GP1T 23
SQA & Scottish Bakers
Pathway 5 - Food and Drink Operations at SCQF Level 6
GP3X 23
GP1X 23
SQA & Scottish Bakers
Pathway 6 - Food and Drink Operations (Food Manufacturing Excellence) at SCQF Level 6
GP1Y 23
Pathway 7 - Food and Drink Operations – Engineering Maintenance at SCQF level 6
Performing Engineering Operations at SCQF 5
GL46 23
GL2P 22
GL6E 22
All Scottish Apprenticeships must contain a relevant Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) or Competency Based Qualifications (CBQs). SVQs and CBQs are work-based qualifications based on National Occupational Standards of competence drawn up by representatives from each industry sector. They are made up of units – normally between six and ten – which break a job down into separate functions reflecting the different kind of activities of a job. SVQs and CBQs are available at a range of levels – although most are at SCQF levels 5, 6 and 7. When someone has achieved an SVQ or CBQ, there is a guarantee that they have the skills and knowledge needed to do their job.
Work Place Core Skills
Each apprentice is required to achieve the following Work Place Core Skills:
For pathways 1 – 6 all Core Skills need to be separately certificated at level SCQF 5 or above
For pathway 7 ICT and numeracy need to be separately certificated at level SCQF 5 or above.
Core Skills are skills and abilities which everyone needs in their work. This is true for every job in every workplace. Core Skills also feature in National Qualifications such as National 5s and Highers and from 2000, Scottish candidates have been issued with a Core Skills profile on their Scottish Qualifications Certificate. Candidates who have already been certificated as achieving Core Skills at the levels given above – either in the workplace or at school or college - do not need to repeat these Work Place Core Skills as part of the Apprenticeship Framework.
There are different enhancements depending on the pathway the apprentice is following as listed below:
Pathways 1-6
All apprentices must achieve two additional outcomes. An additional outcome should be a relevant short course at a suitable level, with a minimum of 10 learning hours. This may be industry-specific or of broader relevance to the learner or business, and must be agreed by the learner, employer and training provider at the beginning of the Modern Apprenticeship programme and shown in the Training Plan. The enhancement outcomes must be new learning. The learner must complete these outcomes in the duration of the apprenticeship programme.
Examples of additional learning outcomes:
Pathway 7 Engineering Maintenance
Apprentices must complete as least one of the following qualifications:
Optional Outcomes
Optional outcomes provide the opportunity for employers to provide additional learning where appropriate, depending on the job role.
Additional learning may include units from a relevant SVQ in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF L6 or above; relevant short courses; and relevant professional qualifications. Examples of optional outcomes may be taken from the Enhancements section above, or may be industry or organisation-specific.
Examples of areas that optional outcomes may cover:
Registration and Certification
This Scottish Apprenticeship is managed by the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink. The SSC is the first point of contact in Scotland for any enquiries in relation to the Framework. Contact details:
National Skills Academy for Food and Drink
The Catalyst
Baird Lane
YO10 5GA
Telephone: 0845 644 0448
The SSC will register Scottish Apprentices undertaking this Framework. All apprentices undertaking this framework must be registered with the SSC within 4 weeks of starting their apprenticeship.
Registration can be made by completing the Sample Training Plan and Sample Training Agreement in Appendix 3 and completing the online registration system (MA Online 2, In the case of MAs which receive funding it is acceptable for the Skills Development Scotland Training Plan to be used on the condition that it includes all relevant information as set out in the MA Training Plan.
The SSC will issue a Modern Apprenticeship Certificate of Completion to those Modern Apprentices who have completed the mandatory outcomes of the Framework. Before a certificate is issued, training providers must submit evidence to the SSC that the mandatory outcomes have been achieved. This will normally be in the form of photocopies of certificates from awarding bodies.
Requests for registration and certification should be made to the SSC at the address above.
SSC Service level
The SSC undertakes to confirm the registration of candidates in writing within 4 weeks of receipt of the relevant Training Plan and Training Agreement. Each candidate will be issued with a unique registration number.
The SSC also undertakes to issue Certificates of Completion within 4 weeks of receipt of the appropriate evidence that a candidate has completed the outcomes as stated in the Training Plan.
Recruitment and selection
The recruitment and selection of Apprentices is primarily the responsibility of the employer. However, the following guidance is given:
For apprentices starting on the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF Level 6 the entry requirements are set out below.
Pathways 1 - 6
Apprentices starting on these pathways (Bakery, Fish and Shellfish, Meat and Poultry, Supply Chain, Food and Drink Operations and Food Manufacturing Excellence) there are no specific entry requirements. However, completion of the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF Level 5 (or equivalent), or previous experience of working within the industry may be beneficial.
Pathway 7
For apprentices starting on Engineering Maintenance pathway, the following entry requirements should be met:
Equal opportunities
Apprenticeships should ensure that there is equality of opportunity for all and any barriers (real or perceived) are addressed to support anyone seeking to enter employment to undertake the Modern Apprenticeship.
All apprenticeships supported by Skills Development Scotland must conform to any contractual requirements on equal opportunities. All employers of Apprentices should have an Equal Opportunities policy statement.
Health and Safety
All aspects of health and safety at work must be recognised within the delivery of this Apprenticeship Framework and all statutory requirements be adhered to. It is a key aspect of the induction period of the Apprenticeship that apprentices are fully informed both of the regulations and that they and their employers are bound by these regulations. Apprentices should be made aware of their rights and duties with regard to health and safety.
All Apprentices supported by Skills Development Scotland will be required to satisfy the adequacy of SDS’s Health and Safety policy and systems.
The following three contracts are essential to the successful outcome of the Apprenticeship programme:
Employment status of Apprentices
It is important that the sector offers genuine employment and career prospects to those people it wishes to attract through Scottish Apprenticeships. Accordingly, all apprentices must be employed with the exception of Foundation Apprenticeships which are delivered as part of the senior phase in schools.
All Scottish Apprenticeships must have a demonstrable need to acquire significant new knowledge and skills to fulfil their job role. The apprenticeship framework selected for the apprentice must be the most appropriate learning programme generally available to that individual, providing such knowledge and skills.
Terms and conditions of employment
In order to compete with other sectors offering employed apprenticeships, attractive packages will need to be developed by employers in the sector. The terms and conditions of employment for individual Apprentices will be agreed between the employer and the apprentice and should form the contract of employment.
Training and development
Training delivery can take many forms under the Apprenticeship system. Some organisations may become approved SVQ Assessment Centres; others may join a consortium or use peripatetic assessors. Some large employers will be able to complete all the training and development in-house, but most employers will find that some of the training and development will have to take place away from the normal workplace. In particular the underpinning knowledge requirements are often more suited to delivery by outside training providers which might include:
Such knowledge could be delivered through training courses or through open/distance learning packages.
The option of sharing training and assessment resources amongst a cluster of employers (or across the divisions of a larger employer) will be particularly appealing to those firms which do not have the resources to provide all of the training and development. Assessment can be provided by these bodies, but the assessors and the training centre must be approved by the awarding bodies for the SVQ and Work Place Core Skills where appropriate.
List of Training Providers
Organisations currently approved to deliver the Modern Apprenticeship Framework in Scotland
Craft Skills Scotland
Dawnfresh Seafoods
Fife College
RT Resources
Scottish bakers
Scottish Meat Training
Delivery of Training for the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF level 6
Work-based training
Delivery and assessment method
This applies to all the qualifications within the Food and Drink Operations Framework.
Where appropriate assessments should be carried out in the workplace with the use of portfolios to provide evidence. These should, where appropriate, be supported by mentor / supervisor statements or other appropriate methods.
Regular reviews should take place with the apprentice as well as their employer/ mentor / supervisor (whichever is appropriate) to discuss progress.
Skills required by training providers delivering the training
Any of the following should be held by those undertaking delivery
Those involved in delivery of SVQ, NCs and HNCs are advised to check with the SQA Accreditation guidance on assessor and verifier competence requirements and the note issued September 2013. Assessors and verifiers who currently hold D or A and V Units are still considered to be qualified assessors and internal verifiers/external verifiers and are not required to undertake the new Units. However, they must be working to the current NOS and undertaking appropriate continuous professional development. Any new assessors and verifiers, who do not currently hold any of these qualifications, should undertake the qualifications based on the current Learning and Development (L & D) NOS.
The relationship between the current L & D Units and previous Assessor and Verifier qualifications can be found on the attached link.
Assessors should also check the Assessment Strategy for SVQs and the NCs and HNCs as issued by the appropriate awarding body.
Occupational competence is required for the specified qualification secured from previous experience.
It is good practice to be able to show staff involved in delivery maintain:
Delivery of underpinning knowledge (if no formal off-the job requirement)
Learners will achieve the SVQs which contain underpinning knowledge and this will be developed and assessed through methods such as:
For pathway 7 the delivery of the enhancements which provide underpinning knowledge should be agreed between the employer, provider and apprentice to suit the needs of the business and could take one or more of the methods above.
Off-the-job training
Details of off-the-job training (please state if not applicable)
Most of the delivery takes place on the job and where it does take place off the job then it should be relevant to the apprenticeship pathway and the role of the individual. It is suggested that this may be around 10% of the total time of the framework for pathways 1-6 and 20% for pathway 7.
For pathway 7 the delivery of the enhancements should be agreed between the employer, provider and apprentice to suit the needs of the business.
Delivery and assessment method
The time taken to complete will vary and be dependent on the award chosen.
Delivery will also be something agreed between the apprentice, employer and provider to suit the needs of the business but may include:
For pathway 7 the delivery of the PEO this is likely to take place off the job and can be delivered through an appropriate approach as agreed by the employer, training provider and apprentice and may take on of the following forms:
Not applicable
The SSC training plan
The plan is required to identify:
The selected Framework outcomes, specifying whether or not separate certification of the Core Skills is being sought.
A summary of the Apprentices accredited prior learning
A timetable for achievement of the selected Framework outcomes, linked to regular progress reviews.
The Training Plan should take into account any relevant previous training and development, education or work experience. Not all Apprentices need have different plans, but many will vary. Moreover as reviews take place and circumstances change so the plan itself can be modified.
However any changes must:
A sample Training Plan is provided at Appendix 3 of this document, however, for those Apprentices funded by SDS area office it is sufficient to submit the Skills Development Scotland Training Plan on condition that it covers the same information required in the apprenticeship Training Plan.
Consultation Process
The review of the Modern Apprenticeship frameworks ran in parallel with the review of the SVQs in Food Manufacture during 2012, using a mix of one-to-one meetings with employers; workshops and group meetings with stakeholders including employers, trade associations and training providers; online questionnaires and telephone interviews.
Initial consultation
Over 30 face-to-face consultation meetings were held with the industry between the end of March and end of August 2012. These were with individual food and drink companies; stakeholders such as the Scottish Food and Drink Federation, the Sea fish Industry Authority, the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers, and Dairy UK (Scotland); consultation workshops such as those for Meat and Poultry, Bakery, Fish and Shellfish; and a Learning Provider Group. At these meetings both the SVQ and Modern Apprenticeships were discussed.
The employers consulted, broadly represented the sector. The subsectors represented were: bakery, meat and poultry, fish, fresh produce, dairy, beverages, cereal and milling, and general food and drink. Small and micro companies were represented by their trade associations.
Initial consultation findings
Most employers supported the title change of the suite of SVQs to ‘Food and Drink Operations’ reflecting the broader functions of the industry than is suggested by ‘Food Manufacture’.
Employers supported the use of the SVQs as the competence based qualifications, which were reported to have worked well and were a good fit with business needs.
Initial consultation indicated support for Core Skills at level SCQF 4 for the Modern Apprenticeship Level 3. These were said to meet business needs, and higher level Core Skills might be a barrier to learning.
The industry liked the flexibility offered currently in the Modern Apprenticeship Level 2 and wanted a similar approach to be adopted for Level 3, as the outgoing Level 3 framework was thought to be restrictive.
Final consultation
Participants in the initial consultation were re-surveyed online in October/November 2012 to expand on the initial results, further probing their rationale, for example about the level of Core Skills.
Telephone interviews with non-respondents to the online questionnaire, were carried out after the consultation had been open for two weeks.
Results of final consultation
Title of framework
It was almost unanimous that the title of the new framework should be the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations.
Core Skills
Respondents gave mixed responses for the appropriate level of Core Skills. As a result, further telephone interviews were carried out with employers, stakeholders and centres to explore the strength of feeling on this issue and their rationale.
Improve Limited has set Core Skills for the Modern Apprenticeship Level 3 at SCQF level 5, the minimum recommended by the Modern Apprenticeship Group (MAG), which is in line with consultation results.
Overall, it was agreed that there should be two additional outcomes, or enhancements, which may be industry-specific or of broader relevance to the business for the Modern Apprenticeship Level 3 and so provide a flexible approach.
Optional outcomes
It was agreed that the framework should include optional outcomes that could be tailored to different job roles and help to develop a rounded individual.
Additional framework development activity in 2013
The extensive consultation in 2012 identified the need for further development work to cover job roles in the sector not covered in the MA framework. The development identified the requirement for a new SVQ qualification and MA pathway for Fish and Shellfish Industry Skills at Level 3. The 2013 project developed new NOS, Units of Competence and the SVQ.
The need for new units for the Level 3 Meat and Poultry to provide appropriate choice for a wider range of butchers and meat processing staff was also identified in the 2012. The 2013 project developed new NOS, Units of Competence and added these to the existing Level 3 Meat and Poultry SVQ.
During the project, further consultation was carried out with Fish and Meat and Poultry employers and stakeholders. This followed a similar methodology to the 2012 work, but as the principles for the framework were recent and did not need to be reviewed again, Level 3 work was restricted to fish and Meat and Poultry. The consultation was smaller than last year, and broadly supported the findings from 2012, in terms of MA structure, core skills and enhancement outcomes.
Summary of results
1. Competence based qualification for the Modern Apprenticeship Level 3 should be one of:
2. The title of framework agreed as the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations, Level 3
3. Core Skills set at SCQF 5
4. Enhancements: two additional outcomes
5. Optional outcomes to be included in the framework.
Additional framework activity in 2015
During the end of 2014 and early 2015 the Food and Drink industry identified the need for further development work to cover multi-skilled maintenance engineering job roles in the sector not covered in the MA framework. The development identified the requirement for a new SVQ qualification which was more specific to food and drink engineers to include areas around food safety, food science and the impact of engineering maintenance on the food products they are working with. Therefore, new NOS and an SVQ were developed and added into the Food and Drink Operations MA as a pathway for Engineering Maintenance Skills at Level 3.
During the project, consultation was carried out across the Scottish Food and Drink sector particularly focussing on food and drink maintenance engineers and stakeholders, including Trade Associations, providers and Scottish Food and Drink Federation. This followed a similar methodology to the previous work outlined above. Both face to face meetings, telephone discussions and on line surveys. A final consultation of the proposed Modern Apprenticeship Framework was available for comment during November 2015.
The results of the consultation activity supported an engineering maintenance pathway in this Food and Drink MA, giving the specific skills and knowledge required by those working in this part of the sector. The general consensus was that it should have some of the content of the generic engineering framework to allow for transferability to other engineering sectors along with the inclusion of the level 5 PEO to provide the basic skills and knowledge required for engineering.
Those who responded also suggested it should last on average 3 years to maintain parity to other Engineering MAs. It was also suggested that this pathway would require entry requirements as now set out in the recruitment and selection section.
The enhancement section was also identified for this pathway as requiring learners to complete at least a National Certificate providing valuable underpinning knowledge.
Questions were also asked on types of progression and additional options that would enhance this pathway.
Core skills should be embedded in this framework and be at SCQF level 5.
Additional Framework activity in 2020
Following a review of the SVQs for the Meat and Poultry and Fish and Shellfish sector with sector employers and stakeholders, the resulting SVQs underwent minor content updates and changes to qualification codes:
The Modern Apprenticeship Framework has been updated into the newly approved template and consultation has been undertaken with sector employers to confirm they are still supportive of the Modern Apprenticeship Framework, using a consultation approach based around telephone discussions and online consultation.
Career progression
Following completion of the Apprenticeship, candidates should be able to achieve positions in areas such as:
The pathways in the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF L6 are:
There is a clear link between SVQs at SCQF L5 and those at SCQF L6, which makes progression easier, and encourages the movement of learners from one pathway to another, i.e., lateral career moves as well as upward progression. Knowledge units now sit across all the pathways to avoid duplication when lateral moves are made. For example, a learner may undertake the Meat and Poultry pathway at SCQF L5, progress to Meat and Poultry at SCQF L6, then go on to the Food Manufacturing Excellence, SCQF L6.
Progression from the above pathways include:
Following completion of the Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF L6, candidates should be able to achieve positions such as those shown in the pathway tables below, which give typical (but not exhaustive) progression and exit routes:
Bakery Skills Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Sales/Service Manager (Baking)
Sales/Service management within a baking organisation
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in food science/food technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
Specialised baking
Master Baker
Craft baking
Specialised confectionery
Cake Decorator
Specialised cake decorating
Sweet confectionery
Fish and Shellfish Industry Skills Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Sales/Service Manager
Managing sales/service within a fish or shellfish organisation
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in food science/food technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
Fish and shellfish processing
Fish/Shellfish Processing Senior Operative/Supervisor
Fish and shellfish processing operations
Meat and Poultry Skills Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Specialist butchery
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in food science/food technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
Operations Manager (Meat and Poultry)
Operations and processes within meat production
Sales/Service Manager (Meat and
Sales/service management within a meat and poultry
Supply Chain Skills Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Food and Drink Operative (Logistics)
Managing packing, dispatch, supply chain, distribution within a food and drink organisation
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in food science/food technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
Manager, Supply Chain (Food
Managing aspects of the food and drink process and manufacture supply chain
Manager, Logistics (Food
Managing food and drink stock deliveries and stock control
Food and Drink Operations Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Product Development Manager
Developing new products, continual improvement of existing products and ongoing assessment of consumer portfolios
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in food science/food technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
Production Manager
Responsible for every aspect of production of the finished food product, ranging from sourcing and correct storage of raw materials to processing and packaging of the product ready for distribution
Sales/Service Manager (Food
Sales/service management within a food and drink organisation
Specialist Operative – Food
Managing processing and manufacture of food products
Manager, Facilities (Food
Managing facilities and resources within a highly automated food and drink manufacturing organisation
Food and Drink Quality Audit
Ensuring required food and drink quality standards are met and
Maintenance Manager (Food Industries)
Maintaining food and drink production equipment
Diagnostics Technician (Food
Faulting and problem solving equipment used for food
manufacture and processing
Food Manufacturing Excellence Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Organisation and Development
Manager (Food and Drink)
Business optimisation and improvement within a food and
drink organisation
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in food science/food technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
Technical Manager (Food and
Undertaking technical projects within a food and drink
production environment
Team Leader (Food and Drink)
Managing a team delivering food manufacture and processing
objectives, implementing Lean principles
Food and Drink Productivity
Improving and sustaining productivity within a food and drink manufacturing organisation
Engineering Maintenance Pathway
Job Title
Job Roles
Progression Routes
Maintenance Manager (Food
Maintaining food and drink production equipment
Employment in job roles to the left, or progression to higher level jobs or higher education in Engineering/Science/Food Technology.
Lateral progression to any suitable MA/SVQ pathway including:
Diagnostics Technician (Food
Faulting and problem solving equipment used for food
manufacture and processing
Food Production Engineer
Supporting continuous improvement projects, reacting to breakdowns, fault finding and problem solving on machinery and equipment in the manufacturing and production of food
Engineering Section Leader (Food Industries)
Supervise a team of fitters of maintenance staff, scheduling and overseeing preventive maintenance activities. Responsible for facilities and stock. Analysing data and checking for recurrent maintenance.
Further information on careers in the food and drink industry can be found at :