Scottish Modern Apprenticeships                                                                            Scottish Modern Apprenticeship Framework in Food and Drink Operations at SCQF level 5

 Version 1.3

 Dated November 2020




 Stakeholder Responsibilities

Many organisations and individuals share the responsibility for ensuring that the Scottish Apprenticeship programme is implemented to the highest possible standard. They include:

  • Awarding Bodies
  • Employers
  • Apprentices
  • Apprenticeship Approval Group (AAG)
  • Approved SSC/SSO
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Training Providers

Role of the SSCs

SSC/SSO are responsible for developing Scottish Apprenticeship Frameworks and are required to work with employers in their sectors to ensure that all Frameworks meet the needs of employers in their sectors.

For details on your sector’s SSC, follow the link to the Federation for Industry Sector Skills and Standards website  or contact SDS for advice.

Role of Skills Development Scotland (SDS)

Apprenticeship frameworks are used by employers as part of their workforce development to train new employees and up-skill existing members of staff. They can be (and often are) used regardless of whether financial support is available from the delivery body who currently provides a ‘contribution’ towards the cost of delivery. However, only approved Apprenticeship Frameworks will be eligible for funding support from Skills Development Scotland who should be contacted to establish the availability and level of support for each Framework.

Further information is available from:

SDS provides advice and guidance to individuals on the range of Scottish Apprenticeships and training providers available. Individuals are signposted to opportunity providers who offer training in the vocational areas of interest.

Responsibilities include:

  • Supporting the Apprentice with ongoing Career Planning advice
  • Signposting candidates to suitable vacancies
  • Promoting the Scottish Apprenticeship route on the Skills Development Scotland website
  • Facilitating recruitment events that bring together jobseekers and opportunity providers

Role of the Awarding Bodies

A significant proportion of Scottish Apprenticeships is based on the assessment of the apprentice against SVQs/ CBQs or SVQ/ CBQ units. These qualifications are accredited by SQA Accreditation and are offered by Awarding Bodies.

It is the responsibility of the Awarding Bodies to ensure that centres are approved, that assessors and verifiers are suitably qualified, trained and monitored, and that all of the assessment criteria of the SVQs/ CBQs and SVQ/CBQ units are fully met.

Role of the Training Provider

The role of the training provider is important to the success of the Scottish Apprenticeship Programme.  A training provider can be a further education college, a private or voluntary training company or in some cases the employer themselves or employer partnerships.

 Training Providers are responsible for:

  • Confirming an appropriate programme for candidates
  • Agreeing the training needs of the candidates
  • Agreeing roles and responsibilities for on the job training
  • Agreeing where off the job training will be required and defining roles and responsibilities for this with relevant parties
  • Ensuring trainee/candidate has access to the best quality training opportunities available
  • Ensuring that the Apprentices and employers fully understand the principles and processes of competence-based assessment
  • Registering of candidates with the relevant SSC (and Skills Development Scotland if appropriate)
  • Compiling and agreeing assessment schedules/assessment plans
  • Judging performance evidence
  • Completing assessment records
  • Reviewing candidates progress at regular intervals
  • Submitting records and evidence for moderation
  • Advising the Apprentice who to approach for support, advice, encouragement and in case of complaint

Role of the Apprenticeship Approval Group (AAG)

AAG is an independent group drawn from key stakeholders involved in the management and delivery of the Apprenticeship programme in Scotland.

AAG is responsible for:

  • Approval and re-approval of Scottish Apprenticeship Frameworks
  • De-approval of Scottish Apprenticeship Frameworks
  • Encouraging best practice across Apprenticeship Frameworks and sectors

Role of the Employer

Employers’ responsibilities include:

  • Paying employed Apprentices in accordance with company policy and in line with current legislation
  • Agreeing roles and responsibilities for on the job training
  • Agreeing where off the job training will be required and define roles and responsibilities for this with relevant parties
  • Highlighting opportunities for the Apprentice to demonstrate competence
  • Meeting with Trainers, Assessors, Verifiers and the Apprentices to review progress
  • Witnessing candidate performance and verifying evidence
  • Releasing Apprentices for college/off-the-job training in line with training plan
  • Ensuring the experience, facilities and training necessary to achieve the outcomes of the training plan.
  • Supporting and encouraging Apprentices and rewarding achievement
  • Taking responsibility for the Health & Safety of Modern Apprentices.

Role of the Apprentice

Employed apprentices have the same responsibilities to their employer as any other employee.  In addition, they have a range of commitments to their training programme.

 Employed Apprentices’ responsibilities include:

  • Observing the company’s terms and conditions of employment
  • Agreeing a training/development plan with all parties involved
  • Undertaking development in line with agreed training plan
  • Attending meetings with trainers, assessors and verifiers as required
  • Attending college/off-the-job training where required
  • Providing evidence of competence
  • Developing a collection of evidence (portfolio) and retain ownership of this throughout
  • Behaving in a professional manner throughout



Apprenticeship Centres (ACs)

Apprentices may only be registered through organisations approved by the SSC to deliver this Framework. Such approved organisations are called Apprenticeship Centres (ACs)

The AC may be the employer of the apprentice or a separate organisation such as a training provider, further education college, a private or voluntary training company or in some cases the employer themselves or employer partnerships.

In order to be approved, organisations must make a formal application to the SSC, seeking approval and establishing that the centre satisfies the following criteria:


1 be approved by an appropriate Awarding Body as a centre for the assessment of the relevant SVQ/ CBQ (and Work Place Core Skills if these are being separately certificated)


2 be capable of demonstrating a contractual relationship with another approved centre for the assessment of those units for which the MAC does not have approval from an appropriate Awarding Body.

In addition

The SSC will maintain a database of ACs for the delivery of the apprenticeship within Scotland, which will be available to employers and others.

Organisations wishing to become ACs who have yet to obtain the necessary Awarding Body approval for assessment should first contact the Awarding Body direct.

In addition to the assessment of the Apprentice against the relevant standards set by the selected apprenticeship outcomes, the AC has responsibility for:

  • Entering into a formal training agreement with the employer and Apprentice
  • Registering Apprentices as candidates for the relevant SVQ/ CBQ (s) and other selected units with the appropriate Awarding Body
  • Registering Modern Apprentices with the SSC
  • Applying for the final `Certificate of Completion’ on behalf of Apprentices
  • Informing the SSC of any material alterations to Apprentices’ training plans or desired changes to the selected apprenticeship outcomes.




This Training Agreement is entered into by:

Name of Employer:



Name of Apprentice:



Name of Apprenticeship Centre:



The Employer’s responsibilities (employed status apprentices only) are to:

1       employ the apprentice subject to the employer’s usual terms and conditions of employment;

2       provide the apprentice with the facilities, training and work place opportunities necessary to achieve the selected Framework outcomes specified in the apprentice’s personal training plan;

3       pay the apprentice an agreed salary which reflects the obligations of the employer and the opportunities for the apprentice;

4       in the event of the employer becoming unable to retain the apprentice after completion of the apprenticeship, to use reasonable endeavours to secure employment elsewhere;

5       in the event of the apprenticeship being terminated prematurely by either the employer or apprentice for any reason other than dismissal for unsatisfactory performance or misconduct, to use reasonable endeavours to secure employment and continuation of this apprenticeship elsewhere;

6       operate a formal Health and Safety policy and undertake the necessary legal and contractual responsibilities for health and safety of the modern apprentice; and

7       operate an Equal Opportunities policy which meets all legal requirements.


The Apprentice’s responsibilities are to:

1       work for the employer in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions of employment;

2       undertake training, attend courses if required, keep records, and take assessments to be determined by the employer and/or Apprenticeship Centre, and carry out such work as may be required in order to achieve the selected apprenticeship outcomes specified in the apprentice’s personal training plan;

3       be diligent, punctual, behave in a responsible manner and in accordance with the requirements of Health and Safety legislation relating to the apprentice’s responsibilities as an individual; and

4       promote at all times the employer’s best interests.


The Apprenticeship Centre’s responsibilities are to:

1       agree the content of the apprentice’s personal training plan as confirming that the selected apprenticeship outcomes and training plans meet the criteria of this apprenticeship

2       contract with the employer to provide the training and assessment necessary to enable the apprentice to achieve the selected Framework outcomes specified in the apprentice’s personal training plan; and

3       use its best endeavours to ensure that the employer provides the modern apprentice with the facilities, training and work place opportunities necessary to achieve the selected Framework outcomes specified in the apprentice’s personal training plan.

This agreement to be signed by all parties:









Apprenticeship Centre







The Apprenticeship Centre












The Apprentice

Full name:



Home address:





Work address:





Date of birth:




The Employer      
















Skills Development Scotland office













Apprenticeship selected outcomes

Mandatory outcomes

SVQ/ CBQ Level (please identify level)

(List mandatory and optional units)

Tick units being undertaken

SCQF Level

SCQF Credit Points
















SVQ/ CBQ level (please identify level )

(List mandatory and optional units) 



























































Work Place Core Skills

(Include details of the minimum level required)

Tick units being undertaken

SCQF Level

SCQF Credit Points







Working with others










Information and communication technology





Problem Solving




 Optional outcomes

Additional units (if any)

These are optional and should reflect the individual training needs of the Apprentice

Tick units being undertaken

SCQF Level

SCQF Credit Points


(specify unit)






(specify unit)






(specify unit)






Summary of Apprentice’s accredited prior learning: 














If you require assistance in completing this form, please contact:

National Skills Academy for Food and Drink

The Catalyst

Baird Lane


YO10 5GA

Telephone: 0845 644 0448