SKSCSS3 Monitor script, continuity and technical details during line up and rehearsals
This Standard is about monitoring script, continuity and technical details during line up and rehearsals in preparation for each day’s shooting. This could apply to any type of scripted production including feature films and TV dramas.
It includes checking continuity requirements, monitoring continuity, liaising with appropriate people to ensure continuity is maintained, preparing shot lists, monitoring script and story details, supporting actors with lines, monitoring technical line up and timing rehearsals.
This standard is relevant to script supervisors.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
base preparations for each day's shoot on information on call sheets
extract editors’ script pages and reference stills from appropriate places
provide data wranglers with all relevant information for matching
prepare and verify continuity requirements for scheduled scenes on a daily basis
confirm with appropriate people whether scenes are to be shot as day or night and about any required use and matching of practical lights
liaise with relevant people about shot coverage requirements for each scene
prepare shot lists that reflect requirements
monitor line up of each shot throughout rehearsals
make sure no scripted direction or dialogue is overlooked during rehearsals
assist actors with lines at appropriate times
monitor rehearsal timings and inform appropriate people about potential over or under lengths
keep accurate and legible records of actors’ positions and camera positions at each place and point in action
identify, record and report any changes to actors’ and camera positions to appropriate people
check that stand-ins are making the correct moves, turns and actions for lighting purposes
monitor camera moves and stop points and inform relevant people of any potential editing problems
liaise with relevant people about continuity implications of any scene changes
provide slate and scene numbers to relevant people at appropriate times
liaise with relevant departments about specific issues relating to continuity at appropriate times
address any issues with continuity as soon as they occur
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
information on call sheets to use to prepare for next day’s shooting
the types of information required for matching and what is involved
information to include in shot lists
why it is important to have a meticulous attention to detail
how timings affect requirements for film stock and how this is relevant to clapper loaders
how timings affect script length
how camera moves and stop points in action affect editing requirements
where to get information about shooting scenes as day or night including directors and cinematographers
the implications for lighting of shooting scenes as day or night
when and why practical lights are required on sets
the possible continuity implications of scene changes and who to work with about them
the requirements of the relevant Health and Safety legislation and procedures
how to record actors’ and camera positions and to whom to report any changes
departments you may need to work with about specific continuity issues and how to contact them including hair, makeup, costume and props
who requires information about slate and scene numbers including second assistants, clapper loaders and sound personnel
SKSCSS3 Monitor script, continuity and technical details during line up and rehearsals
This Standard is about monitoring script, continuity and technical details during line up and rehearsals in preparation for each day’s shooting. This could apply to any type of scripted production including feature films and TV dramas.
It includes checking continuity requirements, monitoring continuity, liaising with appropriate people to ensure continuity is maintained, preparing shot lists, monitoring script and story details, supporting actors with lines, monitoring technical line up and timing rehearsals.
This standard is relevant to script supervisors.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand: