Restore and prepare landfill sites for aftercare


This Standard is about restoring and preparing landfill sites for aftercare. This includes managing the restoration of landfill sites and managing the preparation of landfill sites for aftercare.
This is for mangers in the waste management industry who are responsible for restoring landfill sites and preparing them for aftercare.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. check that restoration schemes meet legislative and organisational requirements
  2. arrange for the materials, equipment and engineering resources required for restoration operations to be supplied
  3. implement systems and procedures for restoration operations that comply with legislative requirements
  4. monitor staff restoration activity against organisational quality requirements
  5. check proposals for pre-closure site operations meet requirements for restoration, aftercare and intended site use
  6. implement systems and procedures to ensure site closure complies with legislative and organisational aftercare requirements
  7. check that key stakeholders are consulted about maintenance of aftercare schemes 
  8. communicate details of restoration and aftercare schemes to key stakeholders at appropriate times
  9. maintain records of restoration and aftercare activity in accordance with legislative and organisational requirements
  10. ensure site monitoring records are forwarded to the regulatory authority in accordance with legislative requirements 
  11. rectify any issues that prevent the preparation of landfill sites for aftercare
  12. resolve any problems which may affect the implementation of restoration and aftercare schemes in line with organisational requirements 
  13. seek advice from relevant specialists to resolve situations which are outside your responsibility

Knowledge and understanding

You must know and unerstand:

  1. the legislative requirements, regulations, codes of practice and guidance applicable to restoring and preparing landfill sites for aftercare
  2. the planning permission, permit requirements and environmental management system (EMS) for the site
  3. the records required by legislation in relation to the aftercare of landfill sites
  4. why it is important to monitor site hydro geological conditions 
  5. organisational procedures for managing work activities
  6. organisational procedures for restoration and aftercare operations
  7. operating procedures for all machinery, plant and equipment used to prepare for aftercare
  8. organisational procedures for maintaining site security on landfill sites undergoing restoration 
  9. suitable handling techniques for the materials being used
  10. key stakeholders and how to communicate with them
  11. methods used to deal with birds, vermin, insect, dust, noise and litter during restoration and aftercare 
  12. hazards associated with restoration and aftercare n relation to health and safety and the environment
  13. control measures to reduce or eliminate risks to safety, health and the environment on the site
  14. organisational procedures for dealing with spillages and emissions
  15. types of personal protective equipment (PPE) required and how they must be used, maintained and stored
  16. legal and organisational requirements for recording and reporting risks to health, safety and the environment
  17. issues that may prevent landfill sites from being prepared for aftercare including staff shortages, equipment deficiencies or external factors