Joint materials by mechanical means on water networks


This Standard is about jointing materials by mechanical means on water networks.  Jointing can be carried out on metallic materials or for transition between metallic and polyethylene.

This includes assembling and positioning pipes and fittings, using mechanical jointing techniques, securing components and checking finished work meets codes of practice and specifications.

This Standard is for anyone in water network construction who carries out mechanical jointing.

Performance Criteria

You must be able to:

  1. work in line with health, safety and environment requirements and legislation at all times
  2. carry out and review site specific risk assessments in accordance with company procedures
  3. select and wear designated personal protective equipment (PPE)
  4. use information from reliable sources to identify work requirements
  5. check any information that appears incorrect with appropriate people
  6. assemble and position components in line with assembly drawings and work instructions
  7. make sure that components meet manufacturers’ specifications
  8. use jointing techniques that are appropriate for the materials being joined
  9. carry out jointing in accordance with company procedures
  10. secure components using connectors and securing devices in accordance with component specifications and work instructions
  11. make sure finished assemblies are complete and meet their operating requirements
  12. record and store relevant data and information in organisational information systems
  13. resolve problems within the limits of your responsibility
  14. report problems you cannot resolve to appropriate people

Knowledge & Understanding

You need to know and understand: 

  1. legislation, procedures and codes of practice relating to health, safety and the environment including manual handling, use of equipment, hazardous materials,  work in excavations, risk assessments, lone working, accidents and personal protective equipment
  2. the range and use of personal protective equipment for your work
  3. the need for hygiene and health checks
  4. how to read and interpret basic drawings and specifications
  5. methods and techniques for assembling and jointing components by mechanical means
  6. the purpose of quality control procedures and how to read and interpret them
  7. how to select preparation techniques for mechanical jointingactivities
  8. the tools, equipment and handling equipment required for mechanical jointing
  9. the importance of looking after tools and equipment and how to do so
  10. assembly methods and techniques including cutting, threading, and mechanical jointing on metallic materials
  11. using mechanical fittings for transition jointing between metallic and polyethylene
  12. procedures for dealing with problems
  13. who to report to and when
  14. information and data storage systems