Contribute to controlling work quantities and costs*


This Standard is about:

1 implementing works quantities and cost control systems

2 identifying opportunities and recommending ways to make cost savings

3 investigating any variations and agreeing and implementing corrective action 

Performance Criteria

You must be able to:

  1. implement appropriate works quantities and cost control systems which are able to provide early warnings of problems
  2. collect quantities and cost data regularly, record it and pass it on to the people who need it in time for them to be able to use it
  3. identify opportunities for cost savings and recommend them to the people responsible
  4. investigate any variations and agree and implement appropriate corrective action with the people responsible

Knowledge &  Understanding

You need to know and understand:

Implement works quantities and cost control systems 

  1. how to implement works quantities and cost control systems
  2. how to use the systems implemented to provide early warning of problems

    Collect quantity and cost data

  3. how to collect and record quantities and cost data
  4. how to pass quantities and cost data to people who need it in time to be able to use it
  5. why you need to collect and record quantities and cost data

    Identify opportunities for cost savings 

  6. how to identify opportunities for cost saving
  7. how to recommend opportunities for cost saving and recommend them to people responsible 

    Investigate variations and implement corrective action

  8. how to investigate variations in works quantities and costs
  9. how to agree and implement appropriate corrective action with the people responsible