Maintain a safe and secure working environment in utilities network construction
This Standard is about making sure the working environment is safe to work in. It could apply to network construction operations for a single utility or in a multi-utility environment.
This involves ongoing monitoring of safety and security during routine work and taking steps to make safe any situations, activities, techniques, procedures, use of equipment or plant or hazardous locations. It involves identifying hazards or work practices and referring them to designated people, being alert to, and assessing, risk, hazardous conditions or security breaches and the need to wear safety clothing.
This Standard is for anyone who is involved with maintaining a safe and secure working environment in utilities network construction.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
carry out a site specific risk assessment for your area of work and review in accordance with company procedures
apply control measures identified in the site specific risk assessment
work in a safe manner which ensures you do not endanger yourself, others or the environment
select, check condition, use and store the appropriate PPE for the task
follow company procedures immediately in the event of an emergency situation
ensure plant and equipment is fit for purpose
assemble, prepare and use plant and equipment in a safe manner
maintain safe access and egress to and from work locations
ensure health and safety equipment is in good condition and fit for purpose
prevent unauthorised people accessing the work site in accordance with organisational procedures.
maintain site safety through continuous monitoring
apply approved procedures in the event of an emergency
follow operational and organisational procedures for communicating information to other people
maintain records in accordance with operational and organisational requirements
check with designated people any circumstances where information appears incorrect
use organisational information systems to record and store data and information
exchange and record information in accordance with operational procedures
report to designated people any situations which require additional intervention
refer problems and conditions outside the responsibility of the job role to designated people using approved procedures
Knowledge and understanding
You need to know and understand:
the main responsibilities of the employer and employee under the Health and Safety at Work Act and how to comply with them
the main responsibilities of the employer and employee under environmental legislation
how to carry out and review site-specific risk assessments
working practices that may breach health and safety including activities, procedures, use of materials or equipment and working techniques used
the company reporting lines, roles, responsibilities and levels of authority
who the designated people are within work and health and safety procedures
the identification and application of safe procedures for handling hazardous and non-hazardous materials
organisational accident recording and reporting procedures
the range and use of personal protective equipment for the work activity and procedures for checking PPE is fit for purpose
statutory, organisational and emergency reporting procedures
the current construction design and management regulations and how they impact on your area of work
health and safety legislation and regulations for safe working practices for plant, equipment and the working environment
how to ensure that plant and equipment is fit for purpose
how to provide safe access and egress to and from work locations
how to identify a confined space and where a work location has the potential to become a confined space, the hazards associated with it and the procedures to follow
the importance of applying control measures to identified risks
how to monitor site safety and security and respond to any unsafe behaviour
organisational requirements for safe storage and use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
approved emergency procedures
how to check and interpret information received for accuracy, validity and meaning and the importance of doing so
the importance of interpreting and following instructions accurately
the importance of confirming understanding of instructions received and given
methods of recording verbal, written, and computerised information
information which needs to be provided to others relating to the health, safety and security of the site
information sources and how to access them
the importance of supplying accurate information, in a fit-forpurpose format, and within identified timescales
the purpose of data audit trails and how to use and maintain them
Maintain a safe and secure working environment in utilities network construction
This Standard is about making sure the working environment is safe to work in. It could apply to network construction operations for a single utility or in a multi-utility environment.
This involves ongoing monitoring of safety and security during routine work and taking steps to make safe any situations, activities, techniques, procedures, use of equipment or plant or hazardous locations. It involves identifying hazards or work practices and referring them to designated people, being alert to, and assessing, risk, hazardous conditions or security breaches and the need to wear safety clothing.
This Standard is for anyone who is involved with maintaining a safe and secure working environment in utilities network construction.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
You need to know and understand: