This standard is about providing individuals within your team or area of responsibility with opportunities to address their learning needs and develop their potential to the full.
This standard is relevant to managers and leaders at all levels who have individuals reporting to them.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Promote the benefits of learning to people in your area of responsibility and recognise their willingness and efforts to learn.
Give individuals objective, specific and valid feedback on their work performance, discussing and agreeing how they can improve
Engage individuals in identifying and obtaining information on a range of possible learning activities to address identified learning needs
Discuss with individuals future roles and responsibilities that are compatible with their competences and potential
Discuss and agree personal development plans which include learning activities to be undertaken, the learning objectives to be achieved, the required resources and timescales
Support individuals in undertaking learning activities, making required resources available and making efforts to remove any obstacles to learning
Provide individuals with appropriate opportunities to apply their developing competences in the workplace
Recognise and make use of unplanned learning opportunities
Discuss with individuals their experience of learning activities and the extent to which learning objectives have been achieved
Discuss with individuals their progress and their readiness to take on new roles and responsibilities, and agree the support and supervision they will require
Appoint individuals to roles and responsibilities that are compatible with their competences and potential
Provide individuals with the support and supervision they require and ensure they receive specific feedback to enable them to improve their performance
Discuss and agree revisions to personal development plans in the light of their performance, learning activities undertaken and any wider changes
Encourage people to take responsibility for their own learning and development, including practising and reflecting on what they have learned.
Seek and make use of specialist expertise, where required
Knowledge & Understanding
You need to know and understand:
General knowledge and understanding
The benefits of learning for individuals and organisations and how to promote these
Ways in which you can develop a culture in which learning is valued and willingness and efforts to learn are recognised
How to identify potential future roles and responsibilities for individuals
How to provide individuals with the support and supervision they need
How to provide individuals with objective, specific and valid feedback designed to improve their performance
How to prioritise individuals’ learning needs, including taking account of organisational needs and priorities and the personal and career development needs of individuals
Different types of learning activities, their advantages and disadvantages and the required resources (for example, time, fees, substitute staff)
How/where to identify and obtain information on different learning activities
Why it is important for individuals to have a written personal development plan and what it should contain (for example, identified learning needs, learning activities to be undertaken and the learning objectives to be achieved, timescales and required resources)
How to set learning objectives which are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and Time-bound)
What type of support individuals might need to undertake learning activities, the resources needed and the types of obstacles they may face and how they can be resolved
How to evaluate whether learning activities have achieved their intended learning objectives
The importance of regularly reviewing and updating personal development plans in the light of performance, any learning activities undertaken and any wider changes
How to take account of equality legislation, any relevant codes of practice and general diversity and inclusion issues in providing learning opportunities for colleagues.
How to encourage people to take responsibility for their own learning and development, including personal reflection on their performance
Sources of specialist expertise in relation to identifying and providing learning for colleagues.
Industry/sector specific knowledge and understanding
Industry/sector requirements for the development or maintenance of knowledge, skills and competence
Learning issues and specific initiatives and arrangements that apply within the industry/sector
Working culture and practices of the industry/sector.
Context specific knowledge and understanding
Individuals in your team, their roles, responsibilities, competences and potential
Identified gaps in individuals’ knowledge, skills and competence
Identified learning needs of individuals
Learning styles or combinations of styles preferred by individuals
Individuals’ personal development plans
Learning activities and resources available in/to your organisation
Opportunities for individuals’ career development in your organisation
Opportunities for applying developing competences in the workplace
Support and supervision available to individuals within your organisation
Sources of specialist expertise available in relation to identifying and providing learning and development opportunities for individuals
Your organisation’s learning and personal and professional development policy and practices
Your organisation’s policies in relation to equality and diversity
Your organisation’s performance appraisal systems.
Support individuals’ learning and development*
This standard is about providing individuals within your team or area of responsibility with opportunities to address their learning needs and develop their potential to the full.
This standard is relevant to managers and leaders at all levels who have individuals reporting to them.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge & Understanding
You need to know and understand:
General knowledge and understanding
Industry/sector specific knowledge and understanding
Context specific knowledge and understanding