Research and share information about trends and developments in the water industry


This Standard is about researching and sharing information about trends and developments in the water industry, including the different techniques that can be used within it. You will need to consider the practicalities and implications of developments and how they might affect your work and the work of other people.

It includes regularly reviewing information, establishing and maintaining contacts with those who could provide useful and relevant information, keeping up-to-date with trends and developments and sharing information with other people.

This Standard is for anyone who works on the water distribution network.

Performance Criteria

You need to be able to:

  1. review relevant information sources on a regular basis
  2. record useful information in a way which enables future reference
  3. analyse costs of information sources against the value of the information they provide
  4. make opportunities to establish and maintain contacts with those who may provide useful and relevant information
  5. obtain sufficient information to keep up to date with trends and developments
  6. identify trends and developments which impact on the work of yourself and colleagues
  7. make up-to-date information available to colleagues in a manner which facilitates understanding and ease of reference
  8. provide advice and briefings on trends and developments to relevant people in a manner likely to facilitate understanding
  9. identify emerging techniques and the purposes for which they are suitable
  10. determine the implications and costs associated with different
  11. techniques and the different contexts in which they would apply
  12. identify the implications of using different techniques, their practicability and timescales in use
  13. identify the appropriate applications for different techniques and their methodology
  14. determine instances where specific techniques would not be suitable for particular tasks

Knowledge & Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. different types of information sources including published literature, internal systems and procedures, databases, professional bodies and people with recognised expertise
  2. research methods
  3. the cost implications of information sources which you are using
  4. ways of disseminating information and advice to relevant people
  5. how to analyse the applicability of trends and develoments to your work
  6. how to present information in a way that promotes understanding
  7. organisational requirements for different types of network activities
  8. regulatory requirements for water quality and continuity of supply
  9. what is meant by continuity of supply and issues related to adequacy
  10. application of different techniques for re-zoning, mains cleansing, supply interruption, making connections, repairs, replacements, installation and maintenance
  11. how to determine cost benefits of developments in different techniques
  12. methodology for using techniques
  13. factors that would make techniques suitable or unsuitable in different situations