Carry out valve operations on the distribution network
This Standard is about operating valves to isolate or recommission sections of the distribution network, transferring water between zones, checking valve operability or maintaining a calm network. This could be in relation to customer or network supply and involves assessing the implications of requested valve operations, accessing and operating valves and restoring the system to normal operations.
This Standard is for anyone who carries out valve operations on the distribution network.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
identify valve operations to be carried out from instructions received
confirm the configuration of valves in accordance with the specified operation
identify the potential risks of the specified valve operations on customers’ supplies and confirm that the operation will not contravene organisational quality limits
plan the work to minimise the effect of valve operations on water quality, water supply and possible discolouration
check that customers and other departments who will be affected by valve operations have been informed in accordance with organisational requirements
take relevant action where you consider valve operations would cause unacceptable problems with water quality, flow and pressure, loss of supply or discolouration
arrange alternative supplies when valve operations make it a necessity
identify the positions, sizes and types of valves and related fittings to be used in accordance with operational requirements
determine an appropriate sequence of operation of identified valves and related fittings, taking account of the potential for contamination, the effect on water supply and quality, and undue disturbance of the system
access valve chambers in line with health and safety requirements and establish the appropriate rotational direction for opening and closing valves
operate valves in line with manufacturer’s instructions
follow safe working and hygiene practices in accordance with current specifications and procedures
identify an appropriate sequence and timing of valve and hydrant operations for required flushing activities
purge air out of the system for the maximum length of affected mains
dispose of flushed water in a safe manner, and to minimise the effect on the environment, in accordance with regulatory and organisational requirements
take samples in line with organisational sampling procedures to confirm restoration of the supply to operational service levels
adhere to time limits specified for valve operations
use appropriate checks to confirm that systems have been returned to normal operational levels
record the changed status of valves and update mains records in line with organisational requirements
Knowledge & Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the purposes of different valve operations
how to interpret records, including maps and plans
the risks to customers or network supplies posed by valve operations
organisational levels of service and limits for valve operations
the aspects and issues to consider when planning valve operations
the importance of ensuring minimum effect on water supply
customer and departmental notification procedures including for large users, fire services, those inside or outside an area to be isolated or those with special needs
what would constitute an unacceptable problem, and how to deal with it
alternative supply arrangements
types of valves and related fittings and how to operate them including air, soft-faced, hard-faced, clockwise opening and anti-clockwise opening valves as well as fire hydrants/washouts
problems that can occur with valves and relating fittings including problems with valves, valve chambers, valve covers and network fittings including hydrants
potential effects of valve operations on water supply and water quality
the causes of contamination
the effect of valve operations on network status
the factors to consider to determine sequence of operation
how to secure safe access
the implications of failing to recognise rotational direction of valves
typical and unusual problems and organisational requirements for dealing with them
safe working and hygiene practices
how to restore the system to normal operational levels
what is covered by normal operational levels
purging methods, the purpose of this and the implications of not doing it properly
de-chlorination methods and when they should be used
sampling procedures
service levels
disposal requirements
the damage which can be caused by incorrect disposal of chlorinated water
regulatory requirements for disruption to water supply
typical and unusual problems and organisational requirements for dealing with them
Carry out valve operations on the distribution network
This Standard is about operating valves to isolate or recommission sections of the distribution network, transferring water between zones, checking valve operability or maintaining a calm network. This could be in relation to customer or network supply and involves assessing the implications of requested valve operations, accessing and operating valves and restoring the system to normal operations.
This Standard is for anyone who carries out valve operations on the distribution network.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge & Understanding
You need to know and understand: