Lead your team*


This standard is about providing direction to the members of your team and motivating and supporting them to achieve both team objectives and their individual work objectives. It is relevant to team leaders, project managers and other managers who are responsible for leading teams.

Performance Critieria

You must be able to:

  1. Clearly communicate the purpose and objectives of the team to all members
  2. Involve members in planning how the team will achieve its objectives
  3. Ensure that each member of the team has individual work objectives and understands how these contribute to achieving the objectives of the team and the organisation as a whole
  4. Encourage and support team members to achieve their individual work objectives and those of the team and provide recognition when objectives have been achieved
  5. Steer the team successfully through difficulties and challenges
  6. Encourage and recognise creativity and innovation within the team
  7. Empower team members to develop their own ways of working and take their own decisions within agreed boundaries
  8. Encourage team members to take responsibility for their own development needs
  9. Give team members support and advice when they need it especially during periods of setback and change
  10. Motivate team members to present their own ideas and listen to what they say
  11. Encourage team members to take the lead when they have the knowledge and expertise and show willingness to follow this lead.
  12. Win, through your performance and behaviour, the trust and support of team members.


Knowledge & Understading

You need to know and understand:

General knowledge and understanding

  1. Different ways of communicating effectively with members of a team
  2. How to set objectives which are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and Time-bound)
  3. How to plan the achievement of team objectives and the importance of involving team members in this process
  4. The importance of and being able to show team members how personal work objectives contribute to achievement of team objectives
  5. How to get and make use of feedback from people on your leadership performance
  6. How to select and successfully apply methods for motivating, supporting and encouraging team members and recognising their achievements
  7. Types of difficulties and challenges that may arise and ways of identifying and addressing them
  8. The importance of encouraging others to take the lead and ways in which this can be achieved
  9. How to encourage and recognise creativity and innovation within a team

    Industry/sector specific knowledge and understanding

  10. Legal, regulatory and ethical requirements in the industry/sector

    Context specific knowledge and understanding

  11. Individuals within your team, their roles, responsibilities, competences and potential
  12. Your team’s purpose, objectives and plans
  13. The personal work objectives of members of your team
  14. The types of support and advice that team members are likely to need and how to respond to these
  15. Standards of performance for the work of your team.