Present oral evidence about water fitting regulation contravention in court


This Standard is about presenting evidence about water fitting regulation contravention in court. It involves behaving in a professional manner and use the correct forms of address, speaking audibly and explaining technical detail in a way that can be understood by non-technical people, and presenting evidence that is consistent with the written details covering the non-compliance issue.

This Standard is for water fitting regulations/byelaws inspectors.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. make sure appearance and behaviour in court conforms to acceptable professional standards
  2. deliver evidence in an audible and understandable manner
  3. give evidence that is consistent with the contents of the written details of the case
  4. deal with questions in a truthful and impartial manner, using concise and unambiguous language
  5. answer specific questions with relevant technical explanations which are understandable to non-technical personnel
  6. make a clear differentiation between fact and opinion, and if asked to express an opinion, ensure the response is within your expertise

Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. water fittings regulations and the wider implications of non-compliance
  2. how to apply water fitting regulations to different plumbing systems
  3. what constitutes a contravention of the regulations for different types of plumbing systems
  4. what is considered to be acceptable appearance and behavior for appearance in court
  5. court procedures and forms of address
  6. communication skills with regard to speaking and listening
  7. how to give technical explanations in a non-technical manner
  8. responsibilities as a witness
  9. the limits of personal expertise and the importance of recognising these