Provide information for use in legal procedures


This Standard is about providing evidence for use in legal procedures when water fittings regulations/byelaws have been breached by customers.

It includes preparing complete, comprehensive and accurate information, structuring it in a logical way and presenting it either orally to people in the organisation or in written form.

This Standard is for water fitting regulations/byelaws inspectors.

Performance criteria

You must be able to do:

  1. identify and obtain information and supporting documentation that is relevant to the specified non-compliance
  2. ensure the information presented is expressed in understandable and unambiguous language with a clear explanation of relevant details
  3. support any opinions and conclusions with facts that fall within your area of expertise
  4. prepare complete and comprehensive information within agreed timescales
  5. present relevant, accurate, clear and comprehensive information in a logical structure
  6. provide information to relevant people in appropriate formats

Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. ​information sources and how to access them
  2. what constitutes contravention of the regulations/byelaws for different types of plumbing systems
  3. different types of risk posed by different contraventions and sanctions and the penalties that each incurs
  4. different types of supporting documentation
  5. the limits of personal expertise
  6. when the information needs to be provided
  7. which information it is appropriate to present orally and which in written form
  8. formats for presenting information and how to structure reports
  9. the communication skills regarding reading, writing, speaking and listening
  10. the need for impartial judgements
  11. who may need the information
  12. organisational and regulatory formats for presenting information about non-compliance