Plan and schedule water regulations/byelaws inspections


This Standard is about scheduling a programme of inspections for premises, and water fittings, to ensure they comply with the relevant legislation, and for audit purposes on work carried out by contractors.

This includes prioritising inspections taking into account the different factors and likely time required for them, developing inspection schedules which make best use of available resources, and informing customers and those who will be carrying out inspections about inspection details.

This Standard is for water fitting regulations/byelaws inspectors.


Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Identify and prioritise premises to be inspected

  1. obtain relevant information and identify factors to be taken into account to help determine the priority order for inspections
  2. estimate the time required for inspections taking into account the identified factors, organisational policies and requirements
  3. determine appropriate priority order for inspections according to identified factors, available resources and geographical location
  4. review and re-prioritise inspection priority order to take account of any new information received
  5. confirm priority order with relevant people
  6. record identified factors, priority order and other relevant details according to organisational requirements

    Schedule inspections

  7. ensure scheduling takes account of the pre-determined priority order for inspections
  8. use reliable information to identify the resources required for inspections
  9. confirm the details of inspections with those concerned in accordance with organisational policies and procedures
  10. make sure scheduling provides an appropriate degree of flexibility to account for unexpected or unplanned inspections
  11. ensure inspection schedules makes optimum use of resources within resource and organisational constraints
  12. confirm the effectiveness of inspection schedules with relevant people
  13. make sure inspection schedules contain relevant details and are provided to appropriate people

Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:

Identify and prioritise premises to be inspected

  1. information sources and how to access them
  2. how to interpret installation design diagrams
  3. purposes of inspections, different types of customers, premises and contractors and the implications of these for inspections
  4. the requirements of the water regulator for prioritisation purposes
  5. the implications of each of the factors for prioritisation purposes
  6. how to prioritise using given factors
  7. organisational policies and requirements for inspections, including service levels for requested inspections
  8. why they may need to re-prioritise
  9. people who have an involvement in the scheduling and inspection process and when to review inspection order with them
  10. the importance of recording information and compiling an audit trail
  11. recording requirements and procedures

    Schedule inspections

  12. the priority order for inspections
  13. resource availability
  14. who to confirm inspections details with; who to inform, and organisational policies and procedures for confirming inspections
  15. the need to negotiate on inspection dates, and negotiation skills
  16. procedures for notified inspections
  17. how to communicate with customers about inspections and the organisational procedures relating to this
  18. the potential extent and effects of unexpected and unplanned inspections and the reasons for this
  19. how to carry out scheduling to maximise the use of resources
  20. the importance of maximising the use of resources
  21. the importance of confirming the inspection schedule
  22. the detail required for inspection schedules and who needs the scheduling information