PROHSS2 Develop procedures to safely control work operations
This standard is for people who are required to prepare health and safety procedures for the workplace. In order to be sure that all reasonably practicable precautions have been taken against risks to health and safety it is necessary for an employer to make sure health and safety procedures are available or everyone at work to follow.
This standard is about identifying hazards, potential hazards and assessing the risks and developing procedures to control the risks. It is also about reviewing these procedures and checking whether they are effective at work
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
1. set realistic objectives to maintain a healthy and safe workplace
2. develop health and safety procedures based on risk assessment and consultation which meet legal requirements and are appropriate to:
• type of work carried out;
• industry processes; and
• workplace
3. identify individuals to whom people must:
• report incidents;
• report health and safety risks; and
• obtain first aid
4. check effectiveness of workplace health and safety procedures
5. specify arrangements for recording health and safety data to meet legal requirements
6. develop plans for health and safety training which are relevant to the needs of your workplace, people at work and meet legal requirements
7. effectively communicate health and safety procedures to other people in your workplace in a professional and considerate manner
8. identify changes at work and legal requirements which affect current workplace health and safety procedures
9. provide opportunities to give feedback about current health and safety procedures
10. review all relevant health and safety reports and data to identify opportunities to improve workplace health and safety procedures
11. identify and obtain further information and advice from reliable and recognised sources of expertise
12. record details of any reviews carried out and action plans to improve current health and safety procedures
13. report results of your reviews to relevant people
14. alert everyone at work, promptly, to the revised health and safety procedures
15. set effective measures for monitoring revised health and safety procedures
16. consider environmental impact when developing procedures
Knowledge & Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. relevant legal responsibilities for health and safety at work required by current legislation
2. your responsibilities for health and safety defined by any specific legislation covering your job role
3. importance of remaining alert to the presence of hazards in your workplace
4. importance of dealing with, or promptly, reporting risks
5. hazards that exist in your workplace
6. particular health and safety risks which may be present in your own job role and precautions to be taken
7. different types of working practices at work
8. what would constitute a breach of legal health and safety requirements
9. job roles and work areas of people you are responsible for
10. commonly used working practices
11. information required about health and safety at work
12. information available on health and safety at work
13. where to find information about changes to legal requirements
14. where to find information about specific organisational health and safety instructions covering your job role
15. how to prepare and write effective instructions and procedures
16. appropriate measures for checking different types of health and safety instructions and procedures
17. appropriate channels of communication and consultation at work
18. ways of conducting an effective health and safety review
19. risks to the environment which may be present at work and/or in your job
PROHSS2 Develop procedures to safely control work operations
This standard is for people who are required to prepare health and safety procedures for the workplace. In order to be sure that all reasonably practicable precautions have been taken against risks to health and safety it is necessary for an employer to make sure health and safety procedures are available or everyone at work to follow.
This standard is about identifying hazards, potential hazards and assessing the risks and developing procedures to control the risks. It is also about reviewing these procedures and checking whether they are effective at work
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
1. set realistic objectives to maintain a healthy and safe workplace
2. develop health and safety procedures based on risk assessment and consultation which meet legal requirements and are appropriate to:
• type of work carried out;
• industry processes; and
• workplace
3. identify individuals to whom people must:
• report incidents;
• report health and safety risks; and
• obtain first aid
4. check effectiveness of workplace health and safety procedures
5. specify arrangements for recording health and safety data to meet legal requirements
6. develop plans for health and safety training which are relevant to the needs of your workplace, people at work and meet legal requirements
7. effectively communicate health and safety procedures to other people in your workplace in a professional and considerate manner
8. identify changes at work and legal requirements which affect current workplace health and safety procedures
9. provide opportunities to give feedback about current health and safety procedures
10. review all relevant health and safety reports and data to identify opportunities to improve workplace health and safety procedures
11. identify and obtain further information and advice from reliable and recognised sources of expertise
12. record details of any reviews carried out and action plans to improve current health and safety procedures
13. report results of your reviews to relevant people
14. alert everyone at work, promptly, to the revised health and safety procedures
15. set effective measures for monitoring revised health and safety procedures
16. consider environmental impact when developing procedures
Knowledge & Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. relevant legal responsibilities for health and safety at work required by current legislation
2. your responsibilities for health and safety defined by any specific legislation covering your job role
3. importance of remaining alert to the presence of hazards in your workplace
4. importance of dealing with, or promptly, reporting risks
5. hazards that exist in your workplace
6. particular health and safety risks which may be present in your own job role and precautions to be taken
7. different types of working practices at work
8. what would constitute a breach of legal health and safety requirements
9. job roles and work areas of people you are responsible for
10. commonly used working practices
11. information required about health and safety at work
12. information available on health and safety at work
13. where to find information about changes to legal requirements
14. where to find information about specific organisational health and safety instructions covering your job role
15. how to prepare and write effective instructions and procedures
16. appropriate measures for checking different types of health and safety instructions and procedures
17. appropriate channels of communication and consultation at work
18. ways of conducting an effective health and safety review
19. risks to the environment which may be present at work and/or in your job