
The standard is about developing and maintaining communication channels on sustainability including sustainability updates and memos from the beginning of the production throughout to the wrap report.

It is also about the importance of using these updates and memos to keep cast, crew and contributors engaged and motivated and to celebrate achievement.

This standard also covers educating cast, crew and contributors on sustainability.

This standard is for those who work in sustainability lead and coordinator roles.


Performance Criteria

You must be able to:

  1. establish and agree clear lines of communication with all departments
  2. tailor communication methods and timelines to the needs of the production
  3. build rapport with all departments and suppliers
  4. communicate the sustainability goals and ongoing objectives
  5. check in with the production according to the schedule set and agreed with the production
  6. visit all production spaces to share and collate information on sustainability implementation in all departments
  7. provide updates on sustainability implementation progress to cast, crew and contributors
  8. reuse effective resources and practices customising these for the new production
  9. use the sustainability updates and memos to keep cast, crew and contributors engaged and motivated
  10. create a wrap report to share with cast, crew and contributors and also include suppliers where applicable


Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to develop a concise sustainability communication for example updates and memos
  2. the importance of communicating the sustainability goals and reasons for implementing sustainable solutions on the production
  3. what to include in the sustainability updates and memos such as choice of suppliers
  4. how to select communication methods, tools and approaches to engage with different audiences and create behaviour change
  5. how to agree a schedule with the production for issuing sustainability communications
  6. the importance of cross departmental collaboration when creating sustainability memos and updates
  7. the benefits of visiting production spaces to collate information on sustainability actions
  8. the importance of making time for cast, crew and contributors
  9. the value of being integrated as part of the production across all departments / how being integrated as part of the production across all departments helps you with your role / implement sustainability practices
  10. the benefits of reusing sustainability communication ideas which worked well on a previous production
  11. the importance of always tailoring the communication specific to the production
  12. the importance of celebrating achievement and recognising effort in the updates, memos and wrap report