
This standard is about evaluating sustainable approaches, solutions use and future improvements to key aspects such as energy, transport, materials, catering and circularity.

This will also involve analysing and reporting on the carbon emission impact of the production.

This standard also about presenting recommendations and sharing best practice.

This standard is for those who work in sustainability lead, manager and coordinator roles on a production.


Performance Criteria

You must be able to:

  1. retrieve and analyse the emission report to understand the carbon emission impact of the production
  2. assess and analyse the impact of actions taken to reduce carbon footprint of the production
  3. collate the information to prepare the sustainability wrap report, final green memo or final newsletter within a specified timeframe
  4. produce the report and provide recommendations highlighting cost savings and achievements
  5. present the sustainability wrap report, final green memo or final newsletter to cast, crew and contributors
  6. produce and share case studies drawing out engaging stories from the data as required
  7. report lessons learnt to those responsible for future productions as required


Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to retrieve and analyse the carbon emission report
  2. the importance of understanding the carbon emission impact of the production
  3. how the sustainability actions taken impacted on the carbon footprint
  4. the importance of producing a wrap report, final green memo or final newsletter
  5. elements to include in your wrap report for example breakdown of emissions, cost savings
  6. how to evaluate and report on achievement
  7. the importance of understanding and following confidentiality of information and data sharing restrictions
  8. the agreed methods for presenting a wrap report, final green memo or final newsletter to cast, crew and contributors
  9. the benefits of producing case studies to share best practice
  10. the importance of sharing sustainability best practice
  11. the organisation responsible for future productions for example broadcasters, film studios etc.