
This standard is about providing advice and guidance to the production team including the line producer, producer, cast, crew, supply chain and contributors on sustainability within the production.

It also covers reacting to and providing solutions for changes to the production, particularly editorial decisions and how they might impact the sustainability goals.

This standard is for those who work in sustainability lead and manager roles on a production.


Performance Criteria

You must be able to:

  1. work within local and regional legislation and policy
  2. identify high impact areas of decarbonisation to focus on within the production including energy, transport, materials, catering and circularity
  3. carry out environmental impact assessments when operating in natural spaces and biodiverse habitats
  4. consider the allotted sustainability budget with senior production team to enable you to implement sustainability measures
  5. liaise with the Heads of Departments (HODs) regarding technical requirements, exploring possible decarbonisation strategies, sustainable choices and minimising potential biodiversity impacts
  6. if feasible, confirm the agreed sustainable solution, technology or supplier(s)
  7. if unfeasible, suggest amendments or alternative solutions to the production or relevant departments
  8. comply with policy, regulatory and organisational requirements and industry guidelines
  9. access additional sustainability funding if available
  10. undertake industry training and update knowledge of sustainability as required


Knowledge and Understanding 

You need to know and understand:

  1. local and regional legislation and policy
  2. the importance of engaging with the local infrastructure and supply chain
  3. local communities and organisations to include in circularity planning and legacy projects
  4. who the key decision makers and sustainability advocates are within the crew and production team, when to engage with them and how to communicate with them
  5. the importance of understanding the impact of productions on natural spaces and biodiverse habitats
  6. how biodiversity should influence the decision making around locations and best practice
  7. environmental risk assessment and how to deal with issues that may arise between different departments
  8. scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions
  9. net-zero and carbon reduction strategies
  10. the circular economy and waste management
  11. the positive financial impact of sustainable solutions including savings and additional funding opportunities available e.g. broadcasters or local film offices
  12. high impact areas of sustainability to focus on energy, transport, materials, catering and circularity
  13. different types of sustainability initiatives and using these to support your role and plans for example the Equity Green Rider and the Climate Content Pledge
  14. policy, regulatory and organisational requirements and industry guidelines
  15. sustainability practices gained through attending industry training and continued professional development