This standard is about reaching agreement and shared understanding of the brief and the creative vision of a production and identifying the sustainability requirements to be met at each stage of the production process. As part of your role, you will be expected to interact with the budget and understand what implications budget decisions have on the production and your role and remit.
You also need to understand the parameters of the production and areas that can be decarbonised (i.e. Energy/ Transport/ Materials/ Waste).
You will need to liaise with Heads of Department (HODs)/ the Production Manager (PM) and or Line Producer (LP) depending on the size of the production.
This standard is for those who work in sustainability lead and manager roles on a production.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
interpret and breakdown a brief to identify areas of decarbonisation within the production considering what is aspirational and what is non-negotiable
liaise with the Heads of Departments (HODs) about the brief's requirements, while exploring possible decarbonisation strategies and minimizing potential biodiversity impacts
ensure these considerations are applied to both on screen and off screen actions, within the editorial parameter
assess the set and location needs following the reccés
research the infrastructure and facilities proposed for the production, focusing on how sustainability can be effectively integrated into their planning and use
work with HoD’s and /or senior production leads to identify key decarbonisation initiatives to apply to the production as a whole
work with senior leads at production company to produce initial forecast of the carbon budget
suggest alternative actions to the line producer, when original proposals have a high carbon impact on the production
confirm and negotiate with production how the sustainability requirements can be addressed within the budget
support the selection of suppliers and vendors with the required expertise and equipment to fulfill sustainable requirements
collaborate with 1ADs and Line Producers to support the shooting schedule, reduce carbon emissions where possible and embed sustainability across all departments
confirm and establish wrap requirements and potential disposal and circularity of materials including props, sets and costumes
comply with policy, regulatory, organisational requirements and industry guidelines
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
who to liaise with to obtain the production brief
the importance of understanding and navigating the tension between the creative and the sustainable requirements
the art of negotiation
how the production process works and the production hierarchies
different scales and types of productions
the infrastructure and facilities required for production bases and shooting locations
the production needs of the departments, in particular Lighting, Costume, Construction, Props, Logistics, Physical and Visual Special Effects and how to work in collaboration with these
areas of decarbonisation including carbon hotspots and high emission areas
circular economy and supply chain circularity and the local communities and organisations to include in circularity planning
different tools for forecasting the carbon budget
how to identify the key areas when forecasting the carbon budget for example location days, crew size, local versus UK wide or overseas filming etc.
how to meet the carbon calculator and reporting requirements and how to guarantee the certification
infrastructure and facilities required such as EV chargers, local schemes, recycling policies (E.G Wales)
key initiatives to consider energy, transport, materials, catering, waste and disposal, for example hybridised power supply, vegan and vegetarian catering, EV vehicle usage
the waste hierarchy and end-of-use plans that prioritise circularity and avoid disposal where feasible
the production schedule and where sustainable solutions can be embedded
how to maintain senior buy-in to decarbonisation initiatives
who to report problems or difficulties and who get support from
the policy, regulatory, organisational requirements and industry guidelines
This standard is about reaching agreement and shared understanding of the brief and the creative vision of a production and identifying the sustainability requirements to be met at each stage of the production process. As part of your role, you will be expected to interact with the budget and understand what implications budget decisions have on the production and your role and remit.
You also need to understand the parameters of the production and areas that can be decarbonised (i.e. Energy/ Transport/ Materials/ Waste).
You will need to liaise with Heads of Department (HODs)/ the Production Manager (PM) and or Line Producer (LP) depending on the size of the production.
This standard is for those who work in sustainability lead and manager roles on a production.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand: