
This standard is about raising awareness of the role of access coordinators for productions.  It includes developing a training and awareness plan in accordance with the needs of the production, promoting the benefits of employing a diverse and inclusive workforce and the ways to remove barriers to access. The standard covers training provision, providing support and advice and ensuring that access policies and processes are embedded within a production.

This standard is for access coordinators.


Performance Criteria 

You must be able to: 

  1. promote and communicate the benefits of using access coordinators for productions
  2. assess awareness of access requirements among the cast, crew, creatives and contributors
  3. develop an access training plan in accordance with the needs of the production
  4. develop an access awareness plan that complements and supports the training provided
  5. identify production contacts for communication of the access information, promoting compliance and reporting areas requiring improvement
  6. arrange access training, support and advice to cast, crew, creatives and contributors in line with identified actions and the access awareness plan
  7. keep up to date with best practice for access coordinators to continue developing personal expertise


Knowledge and Understanding 

You need to know and understand: 

  1. the aims, objectives and promotion of the access coordinator role
  2. the structure of the production and its access awareness needs
  3. the culture of the production and the scope of access risks associated with it
  4. the current legal and regulatory requirements and standards that apply to access coordination
  5. the principles of good governance, environmental and social responsibility and ethical practice that apply to access coordination
  6. the concepts of access coordination and access awareness
  7. how access requirements link with production planning, budget setting and creative decision making
  8. how to assess the scope of access awareness
  9. the content of an access awareness plan and how to measure the effectiveness
  10. the importance of embedding access awareness throughout the production and wider creative industries and methods of achieving this
  11. how to communicate the benefits of access across wider creative industries
  12. the types of training, support and advice that can be required and methods that can be used to provide these
  13. the sources of up-to-date information on best practice in meeting access requirements