
This standard is about contributing to preparing for each performance by cleaning and clearing, preparing props and scenic elements, then after the performance making sure that production elements are stored appropriately. You will also need to support others as appropriate and respond quickly and decisively to any requests

Performance Criteria 

You must be able to: 

  1. clear and clean floor disposing of unwanted debris in line with instructions
  2. reset scenic components, packs and settings according to plot and performance order
  3. carry out specified checks correcting or reporting items that are not in the correct condition
  4. check and confirm that all items are transported or stored correctly during and between performances
  5. position scenic components in specified dead positions
  6. move scenic components in a smooth and controlled way, without reverse movement
  7. move scenic components in line with health and safety requirements to mitigate risk of injury or damage
  8. contribute information to show reports and other required reports

Knowledge and Understanding 

You must know and understand: 

  1. how to communicate effectively with team members, colleagues and line managers during the running of a performance
  2. stage terminology and its meaning, including upstage, downstage, stage left and stage right
  3. how to provide information to others
  4. the importance of confirming understanding of information provided and how to do this
  5. methods for reporting problems and who to report them to
  6. pre-performance checks that need to be carried out and why
  7. the importance of confirming your instructions
  8. how to interpret information about the components, packs and settings
  9. the importance of clearing and cleaning the floor and disposing of unwanted debris 
  10. when to action problems and when and who to escalate problems that you cannot address 
  11. how to produce show reports
  12. the correct dead positions for the scenic components
  13. why you must move components smoothly and without reverse movement
  14. the danger of moving scenic components when you should not
  15. safe handling and lifting techniques