
This standard is about implementing the changes identified during rehearsals of the technical aspects of a performance. You will need to oversee the rehearsal period and then the technical and dress rehearsals, making clear and constructive reports and working collaboratively with others to identify and find innovative, practical or technical solutions to any improvements required / identified. 

This standard is for anyone responsible for implementing changes to the technical aspects of live productions.

Performance Criteria 

You must be able to: 

  1. attend stage technical and dress rehearsals when required
  2. monitor technical contributions to check they meet the production needs including technical schedules during the technical rehearsal
  3. consult with relevant creative and technical staff to agree changes to equipment plans and plots
  4. suggest alterations to technical departments as required
  5. plan for back up procedures to deal with equipment failure in performance
  6. make agreed alterations to existing plots, equipment plans and cue lists
  7. provide updates on changes made to stage management team


Knowledge and Understanding 

You must know and understand: 

  1. the difference between rehearsals, technical rehearsals, dress rehearsals and previews
  2. where to obtain information on the technical requirements of productions including schedules
  3. the roles and responsibilities of different technical departments
  4. the importance of consulting with other creative and technical staff during rehearsal
  5. problems that might occur during production periods and corrective actions that can be taken
  6. the range of possible problems and improvements that can be identified during rehearsal
  7. agreed backup procedures and how to operate them
  8. the importance of providing rehearsal material and when it is appropriate to do so
  9. stage terminology and its meanings including upstage, downstage, stage left and stage right
  10. the importance of updating the stage management team