This standard is about overseeing the setting up of flying or installing flown components on a set. You will be required to oversee other's work, checking flying equipment and flown components are set up and installed safely in line with the production plan, produce fly plots to support the production process and deal constructively with any problems.
This standard is for anyone overseeing the set up of flying or installing flown components.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
use safe and secure handling, lifting and lowering techniques in line with regulations and organisational procedures
give instruction to the people involved to set up flying or install flown components
monitor progress of work to set up flying or install flown components
identify and deal with any problems and emergencies whilst overseeing set up in line with regulations and organisational procedures
produce fly plots that can be reliably reproduced by another person and makes efficient use of the available resources
use methods to achieve plot requirements that sustain and enhance the performance mood
inform relevant people about any problems meeting performance requirements
review fly plots at regular intervals and use this information to improve future performances
keep plot records in line with organisational requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You must know and understand:
the regulations, legislation, codes of practice and organisational requirements concerning the setting up and installation of flying systems
the types of issues that may occur when working with flying systems and how to deal with these
the correct procedures and techniques for safe manual handling, lifting and lowering
the importance of co-operation and communication with other staff while working and what might happen if you do not
how to maintain working relationships with members of the technical team and why this is important
why it is important to produce plots that can be reproduced by another person and how to do so
the human and physical resources that are available to you and how to make best use of these
how to interpret the performance mood and ensure that the plot requirements support these
the types of problems that may occur in meeting performance requirements
the importance of reviewing and improving fly plots, who to do this with and how to learn lessons for the future
how to maintain plot records in line with organisational requirements
This standard is about overseeing the setting up of flying or installing flown components on a set. You will be required to oversee other's work, checking flying equipment and flown components are set up and installed safely in line with the production plan, produce fly plots to support the production process and deal constructively with any problems.
This standard is for anyone overseeing the set up of flying or installing flown components.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
You must know and understand: