
This standard is about setting up, focusing lighting and checking control systems and accessories. You will be required to work with others to safely set up or rig all necessary items and equipment in the correct position.  This includes setting up the lighting desk prior to programming and wiring and placing practicals. You will need to focus the lighting according to plans and instructions, check everything works correctly and identify any problems that need to be addressed. You also need to get the equipment in and prepare to get the equipment out of the performance area.

This standard is for Venue or Live Event Technicians who set up lighting, control systems and accessories for live productions.

Performance Criteria

You must be able to:

  1. prepare the tools, consumables, accessories, access equipment and other equipment required for lighting as specified on lighting plans
  2. check that tools, equipment and consumables are in safe working order before use, following organisational procedures to deal with any that are not 
  3. make sure performance areas are prepared for equipment to be moved into them
  4. set out equipment and accessories to assist rigging and focusing
  5. handle  equipment, tools and consumables in ways that maintain their condition and the health and safety of self and others
  6. set up lighting, control systems and accessories within agreed schedules
  7. maintain the security of equipment 
  8. connect lighting equipment to safe electrical sources according to the requirements of lighting plans
  9. route, fix and tidy all cables in ways that minimise risk of damage
  10. test lighting equipment following approved procedures for dealing with identified faults
  11. rig lighting equipment and accessories in line with focussing and health and safety requirements
  12. label lighting equipment and accessories according to lighting plans
  13. check practical fittings and fixings are at the correct design ratings and placed in locations in accordance with plans
  14. adjust lighting equipment and accessories to achieve the desired effect lock off adjustments once desired focus is achieved
  15. stow lines and unused equipment in correct locations and leave work area free of debris
  16. identify and deal with damage in line with organisational procedures, reporting any that you cannot deal with to appropriate people
  17. store equipment and consumables in appropriate containers to minimise risk of damage


Knowledge and Understanding

You must know and understand:

  1. how to interpret the lighting plot information correctly
  2. health and safety legislation, regulations and codes of practice concerning the setting up and installation of lighting equipment and accessories 
  3. the importance of understanding and achieving the lighting designer’s intentions and
  4. the instructions that need to be given to other staff
  5. how to make and check an inventory of equipment and consumables
  6. the basic principles behind fault diagnosis, faults that are likely to occur once the equipment is connected to control circuits, how to test equipment and deal with faults and the importance of testing equipment prior to fit up and rigging
  7. how to replace lamps safely and the importance of making sure equipment being worked on is isolated
  8. the theories of lighting control protocols and including keeping runs efficient and the limitations of these protocols 
  9. how to test temporary electrical supplies and assess their suitability
  10. the importance of safe connection and the basic principles of earthing, earth bonds and supplementary bonds
  11. the principles behind, and how to address, data driven devices and control protocols
  12. the need for correct cable type, connector and line termination
  13. the importance of avoiding light leaks
  14. safe practice for the connection of lighting equipment, appropriate to the environment, including the use of correct size cables and plugs for the load
  15. how to connect lighting equipment according to the requirements of the lighting plan, the use of ‘hard patches’ and ‘soft patches and how to achieve the maximum efficiency of each lighting unit
  16. the possibility of voltage drops and possible effect on discharge light sources
  17. the importance of focussing including the safe position of self in relation to the equipment being focused
  18. the importance of rigs being properly deaded before focusing
  19. the impact rigging can have on focusing
  20. how to call a focus if someone else is focusing for you
  21. the importance of securing final adjustments and leaving the work area safe and tidy