
This standard is about carrying out basic in-house maintenance, repairs and cleaning to scenic components, flying systems or props. This includes making sure props are available in sufficient numbers for productions and that working props will function throughout the production period.  It involves carrying out regular checks, carrying out basic repairs and replacing items that cannot be repaired.

This standard is for anyone who maintains scenic components, flying systems or props.

Performance Criteria

You must be able to:

  1. carry out checks in line with agreed schedules and manufacturer's instructions
  2. record information about checks and maintenance in or ganisational systems
  3. remove items that cannot be cleaned or repaired without delay, replacing them with suitable alternatives
  4. follow procedures for any items or components that need immediate attention
  5. carry out maintenance and repairs within your remit according to regulations, legislation and organisational procedures
  6. report maintenance or repair needs outside of your remit in line with organisational procedures
  7. organise a safe work space to carry out your work 
  8. select tools, equipment, materials and work methods for the component you are working on and the maintenance or repair needed
  9. report any problems in line with organisational procedures 
  10. use equipment and materials according to manufacturers' instructions and in line with health and safety requirements
  11. carry out work in line with instructions so that completed work is safe, serviceable and meets performance requirements
  12. check that items are clean and free of blemishes after maintenance or repair
  13. return items to their correct location and set them in time for performance
  14. store all materials and equipment in the correct locations and in line with safety requirements
  15. return props and other materials to suppliers, hirers or storage in a clean and appropriate condition and accompanied by relevant documentation


Knowledge and Understanding

You must know and understand:

  1. inspections schedules
  2. the importance of checking scenic components and flying systems
  3. how to locate and interpret manufacturer's instructions and why you must follow them
  4. the range of maintenance or repair needs you are likely to find in scenic components, flown components and flying equipment and how to identify them
  5. how to identify items in need of repair, cleaning or replacement
  6. which props can be recycled, and relevant recycling methods
  7. procedures for protecting props including higher value props
  8. own level of responsibility and competence for maintenance, cleaning or repairs and when to escalate to someone else
  9. who to report to if damage is beyond your level of responsibility or competence
  10. types of maintenance or repair that must be attended to immediately and the procedures to follow
  11. legislative and regulatory requirements that apply to the maintenance of flying systems and components
  12. relevant current regulations, environmental, sustainability and health and safety regulations and organisational policies applicable to the use of materials, processes and technology
  13. how to organise your work so that you can do it safely
  14. how to identify when work cannot be carried out on set and procedures to follow to deal with it
  15. the range of tools, equipment and materials for the types of maintenance carried out and how to use them
  16. different visual characteristics of materials to repair
  17. problems you may encounter when carrying out maintenance, repairs or touching up and why and to whom you should report them
  18. the final check to carry out to make sure completed work is safe, serviceable and of the correct appearance
  19. how to maintain maintenance records 
  20. storage, recycling and disposal requirements for materials, equipment and props
  21. specific hygiene requirements for dealing with and storing consumable items and peripherals