This standard is about working with others to prepare and safely set up or install stage electricals and effects equipment and accessories in the correct position according to plans and instructions. The effects equipment will need to be checked to ensure it works correctly and problems that need to be addressed will be identified. Effects to be used can include stage pyrotechnics.
This standard is for anyone involved with preparing effects for live productions.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
prepare working areas, tools and resources for effects set-up or installation
set up effects to meet production requirements in line with organisational policies
check effects are safe and secure in line with health and safety requirements during and after set up/installation
conduct tests on protective and safety devices to confirm they operate as expected
check and confirm there are sufficient circuits providing protection for electrical devices
place stage electricals and effects according to plots
connect effects to the correct supply, ensuring cables are tidy and discreet
test special effects in line with approved procedures, adjusting them when required
report problems in the safety or achievement of plots, suggesting solutions that are feasible and in keeping with design intentions
put in place backup arrangements that will address likely problems during operation, following them when required
make required alterations to stage electricals and effects without delay
record clear and accurate alterations to existing plot records as agreed
identify and deal with any faults or hazards
explain safety devices and operation of effects to those involved
check that positions and plots are correct for performances
check that effects are ready for performances and secure from accidental operation
confirm the readiness of equipment for performance with relevant people
power equipment up and down in the correct order
operate stage electricals and effects in line with safety requirements, cue and plot, aborting any cues where agreed safety criteria are not met
check equipment and consumables are safe and secure after use and any debris is cleared away in line with procedures
follow organisational procedures to label, replace and repair any equipment that is unsafe or not working as it should
follow organisational procedures to replace consumables
Knowledge and Understanding
You must know and understand:
the range of effects, including stage pyrotechnics that may be used
stage terminology and its meanings including upstage, downstage, stage left and stage right
how to interpret information about stage positioning and plot requirements
the importance of placing effects, including pyrotechnics according to plot and how to do so
risks associated with discharge light sources, strobes and UV light sources
problems that may occur with the setting up or installing of effects and how to deal with them
current regulations and procedures regarding effects material and equipment, including use, handling, storage and disposal
safe and secure methods to connect equipment
when and how special effects should be tested and the procedures for doing so
the importance of backup procedures and how to set these up
regulations and policies governing the use, installation and testing of effects equipment
safe electrical bonding
the importance of installing cables to minimise mechanical damage
the importance of making sure temporary cables are of the correct size and type
the correct protective devices to minimise the risk of shock or fire
fault identification and the correct procedures to follow
the importance of making equipment safe and secure following installation
the relevant Health and Safety regulations relating to all aspects of working with electricity and electrical equipment
the importance of rehearsals and pre and post-performance checks
the importance of backup procedures and how to set these up
how to record alterations to existing plot records
the importance of checking special effects and safety devices to ensure they are in safe working order
procedures for use, handling, storage and disposal of materials used in effects
how to carry out repairs and replace consumables safely and sustainably in line with organisational procedures
the importance of powering up and powering down in the correct order and how to do so
situations in which you would abort cues
the importance of making all equipment and consumables safe and secure
This standard is about working with others to prepare and safely set up or install stage electricals and effects equipment and accessories in the correct position according to plans and instructions. The effects equipment will need to be checked to ensure it works correctly and problems that need to be addressed will be identified. Effects to be used can include stage pyrotechnics.
This standard is for anyone involved with preparing effects for live productions.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
You must know and understand: