EUSUMS2 Allocate and monitor the use of resources and people for utilities work


This Standard is about allocating and monitoring the use of resources for utilities work. Resources can include materials, tools, equipment, plant and people. It could apply for work in a single utility or in a multi-utility environment.

It includes assessing job specifications, selecting competent team members, securing resources, making sure resources are on site when required, recording resource use, acquiring additional or alternative resources, minimising and disposing of waste and storing or returning resources.

This Standard is for supervisors, first line managers or the competent person on site who are responsible for allocating and monitoring the use of resources in their area of responsibility in the utilities sector.

Performance Criteria

You must be able to:

  1. check that job specifications identify all resources required for completion of work
  2. complete requests for specified quantities of materials, plant, tools, equipment or machinery in line with organisational procedures
  3. ensure plant, tools, equipment are available for the planned duration of the work
  4. make sure resources comply with quality requirements to complete work
  5. select team members with appropriate competence to operate plant, equipment or machinery and complete required tasks
  6. arrange for specified resources to be in place at the required location
  7. make sure resources arrive at required locations in time for work to commence
  8. keep records of the use of resources in line with organisational requirements
  9. use information from reliable sources to identify omissions or unsuitability of resources or staff
  10. evaluate the cost of additional or alternative resources in line with safety and budget requirements and their applicability for the work
  11. inform decision-makers about the need and cost implications of additional or alternative resources or staff at appropriate times
  12. communicate with team members using appropriate procedures about the use and removal of equipment and materials and how to minimise and reduce waste
  13. make sure surplus materials are handled and protected in ways that maintain their condition to enable future use
  14. record and report details of surplus materials in line with organisational procedures
  15. make sure surplus materials are collected and returned to storage in line with organisational procedures
  16. make sure plant, equipment or machinery is serviced, maintained and stored in line with operational and statutory requirements
  17. make sure all waste is disposed of in line with company policies and procedures
  18. report to appropriate people without delay when plant, equipment or machinery is no longer needed

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. relevant health and safety regulations, procedures and guidelines relating to yourself and others including duty of care, hazardous substances, personal protective equipment (PPE), use of equipment and machinery, confined spaces, excavations, lifting machinery, manual handling and other relevant industry specific regulations
  2. network engineering legislation, regulatory frameworks, codes of practice, associated permits, compliance agency standards, principles and processes relevant to the network being worked upon
  3. relevant environmental legislation and environmentally responsible work practices and organisational policy and their importance, including waste disposal standards
  4. the format and content of job specifications
  5. how to evaluate a job and identify resource requirements
  6. available budgets and how to work within them
  7. where to obtain cost information about resources
  8. how to evaluate the suitability of resources
  9. the comparative benefits and disadvantages of hiring plant as opposed to owning it including costs, maintenance, assets and liabilities
  10. the training, qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience of team members that make up the competence required for the work
  11. appropriate communication methods and procedures and how to check others’ understanding
  12. manufacturers’ guidelines for equipment, plant and materials
  13. organisational quality standards and how they relate to work activity
  14. how to make the most economical and environmental use of resources
  15. when and how to report problems outside of your expertise or authority
  16. how to negotiate and gain approval to obtain extra resources
  17. temporary and long-term storage requirements for materials