ECIPMA2 Maintain communication with project stakeholders
This standard is about maintaining communication with project stakeholders. It is a function that is performed as an on-going activity.
Project stakeholders may be internal or external to the organisation and include sponsors, clients, customers and all relevant groups/individuals with a relation to the project.
Project Management National Occupational Standards (PMNOS) are based on the following project management lifecycle:
A Establish and lead the project team, and work with stakeholders B Define and initiate the project C Develop the project management plan D Deliver the project E Close and review the project
This standard is part of area A ‘Establish and lead the project team, and work with stakeholders’.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
provide project stakeholders with suitable opportunities to contribute to communications
present the information in ways and formats that are most appropriate to the project stakeholders involved
ensure that project stakeholders receive timely and relevant information which is consistent with the communication plan
ensure the information meets the project stakeholders’ needs, whilst maintaining required levels of confidentiality
actively seek and assess information from project stakeholders which may affect the running of the project
maintain the communication plan to meet project needs
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the context of the project
relevant legislative, regulatory and organisational requirements
the reasons why it is necessary to keep project stakeholders fully informed of project progress
the methods which may be used to keep project stakeholders up to date, and how to select appropriate methods
how to present information relevant to project stakeholder requirements, relationships and expectations
how to manage stakeholder expectations
the ways in which project stakeholders may change during the project
how to apply influencing and negotiation skills
the importance of maintaining confidentiality
relevant organisational procedures and practices for communicating with stakeholders
how to maintain communication plans
Additional Information
Clients or customers
Relevant groups/individuals interested in the project
Relevant groups/individuals affected by the project
Relevant groups/individuals who might affect the project
ECIPMA2 Maintain communication with project stakeholders
This standard is about maintaining communication with project stakeholders. It is a function that is performed as an on-going activity.
Project stakeholders may be internal or external to the organisation and include sponsors, clients, customers and all relevant groups/individuals with a relation to the project.
Project Management National Occupational Standards (PMNOS) are based on the following project management lifecycle:
A Establish and lead the project team, and work with stakeholders
B Define and initiate the project
C Develop the project management plan
D Deliver the project
E Close and review the project
This standard is part of area A ‘Establish and lead the project team, and work with stakeholders’.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
Additional Information