This standard is about completing utility network designs. These can be based on designs or parts of designs which already exist but which require different degrees of completion. Designs may be straightforward and follow exactly the client's brief, they may require compromises to be made in order to meet the design brief or, alternatively, designs may need to be created where a modification to an existing design is not appropriate. Completed designs will need to be passed to the lead design engineer for sign off.
This involves evaluating all relevant data about previous design options and requirements, resolving issues and producing completed designs that meet all requirements.
This standard is for utility network designers.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
evaluate all data which is essential to producing and making decisions about network designs before commencing work
use professional design methods, techniques and software to produce completed designs in line with organisational procedures
discuss designs with project stakeholders at key stages of the process
consult with experts about any parts of the design which are outside own area of competence
confirm all design calculations are accurate at each stage of the design process
produce completed designs which comply with design brief while meeting technological, operational, industry, legal, environmental, and safety requirements and requirements from other stakeholders
make compromises where there are conflicts in the design brief and confirm any variations with the person who prepared the design brief
keep a record of issues addressed in the development of designs in line with organisational procedures
produce designs that comply with any variations that have been identified by clients or stakeholders
produce completed designs which address future demand on networks where future development phases are known
produce designs which consist of completed drawings, specifications and all necessary supporting documentation
complete designs within agreed timescales
ensure designs and intellectual property rights are protected in line with organisational procedures
register, file and archive designs in accordance with organisational procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
legislative requirements for health and safety, the environment and the network being designed
standards, directives, industry guidelines, organisational procedures, systems and manuals, operating parameters and working practices appropriate to the network being designed
principles of design, including design data from the latest versions of standards
utility network engineering principles and processes that apply to the network being designed
structure and content of client specifications
how to use data and information from feasibility studies, design reports, appraisals, tenders, cost control and quality assurance documents, risk reviews and hazard reports and evaluation criteria relating to space, safety, cost, materials, operability, and production time
how to access and use databases, software packages, the internet, libraries of standards, and relevant information sources and document systems
how to interpret the implications of variations on designs
organisational reporting procedures and lines of communication including clients, stakeholders, colleagues who have been or are involved in designs, experts to resolve issues or problems
limits of own area of competence
design calculations for materials, tolerances, physical dimensions, and safety
commonly used utility design methods, techniques, software and documentation
the characteristics of materials, components, dimensions, tolerances, operational characteristics, and physical dimensions to be specified
patents, copyright, and intellectual property issues
company procedures and practices for registering, recording, storing and archiving documentation and records
EUSGNEM24 Complete designs for utility networks
This standard is about completing utility network designs. These can be based on designs or parts of designs which already exist but which require different degrees of completion. Designs may be straightforward and follow exactly the client's brief, they may require compromises to be made in order to meet the design brief or, alternatively, designs may need to be created where a modification to an existing design is not appropriate. Completed designs will need to be passed to the lead design engineer for sign off.
This involves evaluating all relevant data about previous design options and requirements, resolving issues and producing completed designs that meet all requirements.
This standard is for utility network designers.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand: