This standard is about evaluating designs for utility networks.
It requires developing evaluation criteria, using them to measure the designs' effectiveness against the design brief, identifying viable changes and presenting results.
This standard is for utility network designers.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
obtain accurate information about designs from the design brief, and other technical, specialist, and supplier sources in line with organisational procedures
verify that designs meet the design brief before commencing evaluation
establish evaluation criteria which enable clear evaluation of chosen technology, functionality, performance, practicality, lifespan and future network requirements, together with quality and cost
establish evaluation criteria which enable clear evaluation of implementation timescales, the ease of implementation, and the ease and cost of maintenance
establish evaluation criteria which enable clear evaluation of conformity with health and safety, environmental, organisational, and industry standards
assess designs against evaluation criteria using methods that are robust and can be justified, identifying clear information about the strengths and weaknesses of each
identify viable options for changes and improvements to designs while still meeting the design brief
present the results of evaluations and its outcomes to the people involved in a manner and format suitable to the design project and in line with organisational procedures
support design options with a risk register when required
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
utility network engineering principles and processes that apply to the network being designed
engineering design principles and processes, including design data from the latest versions of standards
different evaluation methods and when to use each method
legislative requirements for health and safety, the environment and the network being designed
standards, directives, industry guidelines, organisational procedures, systems and manuals, operating parameters and working practices appropriate to the network being designed
presentation methods and when to use each method
the methods that could be used for obtaining information on a design
how and when to use simulation, digital modelling, pilot trial, and prototype assessment for evaluating a design against technical and environmental, financial, and organisational criteria
how to use the information from relevant sources including, but not restricted to, feasibility studies, population density, environmental surveys and examinations of mining, archaeology, sites of special scientific interest, ancient monuments, and areas of outstanding natural beauty
evaluation techniques and how to identify and establish evaluation criteria for technical and environmental considerations including the technology, functionality, performance, practicality, lifespan and upgradability, together with quality and cost
evaluation techniques and how to identify and establish evaluation criteria for implementation timescales, the ease of implementation, and the ease and cost of maintenance
evaluation techniques and how to identify and establish evaluation criteria for conformity with health and safety, environmental and organisation and industry standards
sources of information for a design and how and where to find them
how to determine who should be involved in the evaluation process
the methods that could be used for verifying different types of result
the type of impact the evaluation could have on the organisation
how to determine who requires information on evaluations, and the procedures for informing them
types of recommendation that could emerge from evaluations
how to identify options for adaptions to designs to better meet client parameters or the design brief
a range of techniques for presenting recommendations
EUSGNEM23 Evaluate designs for utility networks
This standard is about evaluating designs for utility networks.
It requires developing evaluation criteria, using them to measure the designs' effectiveness against the design brief, identifying viable changes and presenting results.
This standard is for utility network designers.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand: