EUSGNEM20 Establish and agree utility network design briefs
This standard is about working with clients to develop utility network design briefs. The client may be internal or external to the organisation. The design brief will summarise the explicit design requirements.
It involves establishing client design objectives, analysing detailed information, determining the feasibility of meeting design objectives and developing design briefs with the client and other project stakeholders.
This standard is for utility network designers.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
develop relationships with clients which facilitate the development of design briefs and are in line with organisational procedures
consult with clients and other project stakeholders throughout the process using communication methods which suit their purpose and time in line with organisational procedures
formally agree client requirements for utility networks before beginning the design process
establish clients’ design objectives for function, performance, installation method, materials, costs, environment and aesthetics of utility networks
use information from existing designs, research and tests and trials to inform development of the design brief
develop design briefs that take account of international and national standards of network design
determine any unique or specific features that need particular consideration
carry out analysis which determines technical, legal and cost implications that need particular consideration
determine the feasibility of achieving client requirements by assessing the features required against the factors which could affect them
use complex technical data and information to inform the assessment process
use detailed analytical and modelling processes to inform decision making
produce a brief which confirms client objectives, shows the functionality of their requirements and the feasibility of achieving them in line with organisational procedures
give clear details of specific issues to which clients need to give particular consideration in line with organisational procedures
provide a copy of briefs to clients in line with organisational procedures
keep records of the design brief in line with organisational procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
standards, directives, industry guidelines, organisational procedures, systems and manuals, operating parameters and working practices appropriate to the network being designed
network engineering principles and processes that apply to the network being designed
legislative requirements for health and safety, the environment and the network being designed
patents, copyright, and intellectual property issues
industry standards, specifications, details, and formats
feasibility studies and their purpose
the different types of internal and external clients and other project stakeholders that you normally work with and their role
how to determine who to contact in the client’s organisation and the procedures to be followed
the processes for obtaining information from internal and external clients and other project stakeholders, and for assessing its accuracy
the information to help establish requirements gained from client's technical requirements, hazard and risk assessments, and environmental impact assessments
how to use information from conceptual design, detailed design, network demand considerations, existing equipment, national and international standards, codes and specifications
how to ensure compliance with legislation and regulation for utility network design
the types of feature to be considered unique or specific, and the importance of giving them particular consideration
the factors affecting the feasibility of achieving the client’s requirements including contractual, cost, timescale, availability, health and safety, environmental, quality
when to ask for advice and guidance beyond own level of competence
methods for preparing and structuring a brief
how to record data and information using organisational systems
EUSGNEM20 Establish and agree utility network design briefs
This standard is about working with clients to develop utility network design briefs. The client may be internal or external to the organisation. The design brief will summarise the explicit design requirements.
It involves establishing client design objectives, analysing detailed information, determining the feasibility of meeting design objectives and developing design briefs with the client and other project stakeholders.
This standard is for utility network designers.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand: