
This standard is about evaluating ideas and assessing them against the requirements of the radio station, production or programme.

It also involves determining appropriate treatments for the selected ideas.

This standard applies to all those who evaluate ideas for radio and audio content


Performance Criteria 

You must be able to: 

  1. evaluate ideas for content against the requirements of the radio or audio production and established success factors
  2. assess levels of creative risk in pursuit of new and original content ideas
  3. select content ideas that have the greatest potential to meet editorial and artistic production requirements
  4. explain the reasons for selecting and rejecting content ideas
  5. provide feedback to others about the suitability and quality of their ideas 
  6. justify the treatments identified for selected content ideas in terms of radio or audio production requirements
  7. give others opportunities to contribute to the development of a content idea


Knowledge and understanding 

You need to know and understand: 

  1. the requirements of the radio station, radio or audio production or programme against which any content ideas are to be assessed
  2. the specific criteria for judging and selecting content ideas
  3. the potential audiences and their known characteristics and preferences
  4. the legislation, industry regulations and organisational editorial guidelines
  5. the methods of providing feedback to others to maintain their motivation
  6. the cost, technical and logistical implications of realising content ideas for radio or audio productions
  7. the concepts of format and structure applicable to the treatment of ideas for radio and audio content