This standard is about researching required information in order to further carry out your work. It involves planning and scheduling the research to meet those deadlines. It also requires that you identify sources, gather and interpret material or information that is relevant to the brief and use your research findings to inform your work.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
confirm the specific objectives for the research
confirm the timing and final format for the research
plan what you need and organise your research to ensure you work within the required timescales
identify the sources and techniques for yourself and those assisting to use
brief any assistants on their role in the research
identify whether existing material is relevant and up-to-date
collate and interpret the findings as they emerge
identify any gaps and sources of information you should use to fill these
check that the information you wish to use is available and that you are legally allowed to use it
collate the final set of findings and assess which information meets the research objectives
prepare the findings in a way which addresses all of the objectives
present the research material in the required form for its intended use
record all sources of information and store this with the results of your research
maintain confidentiality of sensitive information in line with organisational procedures
confirm your findings and conclusions meet the needs of the research brief
assess if subsequent research or development by others will make your findings out of date
where changes necessitate further research ensure you record those changes
use information researched to inform your work
Knowledge and understanding
You need to know and understand:
the scope of the research you are required to undertake
the timescale within which it must be completed
the depth of information required and how it fits into the bigger picture
research techniques to plan and organise the process
the main sources of information
the implications and effects on the research of copyright, clearances and rights to use information
ways to approach the sources of information
key contacts and sources of information and developments in the area being researched
methods of collating and interpreting information
techniques for presenting the information
when it is important to revisit research to ensure that the subsequent research does not make your findings out of date
the implications of current legislation and regulations covering data protection
the organisational procedures and timelines for data handling and deletion of data/records/information
This standard is about researching required information in order to further carry out your work. It involves planning and scheduling the research to meet those deadlines. It also requires that you identify sources, gather and interpret material or information that is relevant to the brief and use your research findings to inform your work.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
You need to know and understand: