This standard is about obtaining, analysing and interpreting the creative brief and relevant information to identify the overall framework, requirements and parameters for your work and to ensure it has the appropriate style and impact.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
confirm and analyse information on requirements and parameters which will impact upon the nature and function of the creative outputs
clarify and confirm information on requirements and parameters
determine requirements for continuity
confirm visual style and intended impact with appropriate decision makers
obtain specialist advice when work identified is beyond own expertise
assess previous creative outputs, technical solutions or techniques that have succeeded in similar circumstances for their use
develop specification which meets the needs of the project
confirm that the realisation of work is within the cost and time constraints of the project
confirm any changes requested by decision maker sand incorporate them into specifications of requirements
identify further opportunities to use creative outputs in order to enhance creative and commercial success
Knowledge and understanding
You need to know and understand:
the objectives for the creative output and the artistic intentions which it supports
how to access, analyse and interpret the creative brief
who the decision makers are and how to clarify requirements, visual style and parameters with them
how to adapt requirements in the light of changes required by decision makers
the to take when request for change cannot be met
how factors and opportunities vary to suit different productions
how to identify the impact of production requirements, parameters and plans on the development of creative outputs
sources of information on existing creative outputs and technical solutions
capabilities and limitations of available and projected technology
how to evaluate existing creative outputs, technical solutions and conceptual solutions for work
This standard is about obtaining, analysing and interpreting the creative brief and relevant information to identify the overall framework, requirements and parameters for your work and to ensure it has the appropriate style and impact.
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
You need to know and understand: