
This standard is about working with other people in your team, other departments, other organisations and supplier organisations to achieve goals and objectives.

It is about working in a manner that promotes positive working relationships through clarifying and agreeing roles, responsibilities and working arrangements, carrying out your own tasks promptly and effectively, getting the right balance between working efficiently and meeting the needs of colleagues, maintaining professional, courteous relationships, showing willingness and flexibility, collaborating with colleagues, providing assistance when possible and seeking their help when required

Performance Criteria

You must be able to:

  1. build relationships and maintain regular dialogue with the people in your own department, other departments or external  organisations
  2. deal with others in a way that encourages mutual support and trust
  3. manage other people’s expectations
  4. meet deadlines and fulfil agreements to the timescale and quality required 
  5. inform others of any difficulties with meeting commitments
  6. identify alternative approaches to deal with changes in requirements or available resources
  7. make informed decisions and consider how your decisions will impact on others inside and outside the organisation
  8. show sensitivity to consider internal and external politics and recognise and respect the roles, responsibilities and priorities of others
  9. communicate information, your requirements and your concerns at the appropriate time
  10. take account of others’ views and concerns, including their priorities, expectations and attitudes and share your expectations with them
  11. use approaches to help you work with difficult people
  12. identify conflicts of interest and disagreements and take action to resolve them
  13. monitor and review the effectiveness of working relationships
  14. seek and provid feedback to identify areas for improvement
  15. work in a responsible and ethical manner


Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the different functions in the organisation and their roles in achieving the organisation’s objectives
  2. the hierarchies and dynamics of any teams that you are part of
  3. people in your own department, other departments, supplier organisations or partner organisations and their work roles and responsibilities
  4. the planning, decision making processes and supplier relationship in the client organisation, your own organisation and partner organisations
  5. how to respond to change
  6. how to make decisions with limited information
  7. the needs of other organisations, and clients in your organisation’s thinking and planning
  8. the importance of managing others’ expectations of what can be delivered and when
  9. the importance of focusing on solutions rather than problems
  10. how to work as part of a team to encourage collaborative thinking  and achieve the brief
  11. how to identify when and how to communicate with others
  12. ways to consult with colleagues, partner organisations and suppliers 
  13. how to identify the importance of your role in the overall process and the effect that your own attitude, time management, deadlines and quality of work can have on others
  14. how and when to communicate with more senior or experienced colleagues
  15. how to communicate with colleagues and suppliers in different situations, locations and countries and what information they need to know
  16. how to collaborate with people at all levels 
  17. the roles, responsibilities, needs, motivations, interests and concerns of colleagues, partner organisations and suppliers
  18. how to identify and supply the information needed by colleagues and suppliers in line with data protection requirements
  19. what information to provide to colleagues and suppliers and the factors to consider
  20. the effect that withholding key information can have on colleagues, partner organisations and suppliers and the quality of their work