
This standard is about facilitating and managing the work of junior colleagues within your own field of work.  Junior colleagues could be work experience students, trainees or assistants.

Performance Criteria

You must be able to:

  1. devise a work plan with junior colleagues to enable them to carry out their work
  2. check and confirm that the work plan takes account of your role and authority, the resources and the timescales
  3. check and confirm that junior colleagues understand the the brief, the work plan and schedule
  4. communicate with junior colleagues about their role and responsibilities
  5. check and confirm that junior colleagues know how to use the necessary equipment and materials
  6. encourage junior colleagues to seek clarification on all aspects of the role and tasks
  7. provide junior colleagues with the opportunity to contribute to the work
  8. monitor the work of junior colleagues and demonstrate how they could solve problems
  9. find solutions for problems with junior colleagues’ performance which could adversely impact on the work schedule or quality
  10. ensure that junior colleagues adhere to health and safety requirements 
  11. provide feedback to junior colleagues on their work and encourage them to improve future performance
  12. evaluate your own performance in the management of junior colleagues
  13. maintain confidentiality of sensitive information in line with legislation, regulations and organisational procedures

Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. processes and procedures to follow when managing junior colleagues 
  2. legislation, regulations and organisational procedures to follow when managing junior collegaues
  3. who should input to planning the work of junior colleagues
  4. how to find out who needs to know about issues concerning the management of junior colleagues and the progress of the work their work 
  5. who can provide feedback on your performance in the management of junior colleagues
  6. methods of monitoring junior colleagues’ work 
  7. how to provide constructive feedback to junior colleagues
  8. how to encourage others to develop their skills and progress in their careers
  9. how to evaluate feedback regarding your own performance
  10. how to store sensitive information in line with legislation, regulations, organisational procedures and data protection requirements