
This standard is about developing budget plans in the creative industries that enable work to be carried out to the appropriate quality, whilst taking into account cost effectiveness. It requires you to estimate or research costs, negotiate budgets so that they are sufficient for the work and agree budgets and any sub-budgets that may be necessary.  Budgets may be internal or external to the organisation.

Performance Criteria 

You must be able to:

  1. confirm the business objectives, scope, timescales and the overall budget
  2. confirm the artistic objectives and any special requirements which will impact on the budget
  3. determine the requirements in terms of materials, technology, outsourcing, delivery and personnel and their likely costs
  4. determine the size of the budget available and what allocations have already been made
  5. identify and record allowance for contingencies 
  6. provide visual representations to others to clarify the scale and type of materials required
  7. calculate and present budgets
  8. negotiate and provide structured arguments to support proposed budget
  9. agree a final budget which meets the objectives and specification for the project
  10. record and confirm all agreements
  11. ensure that details of the budget and its planned allocation are recorded and available as required
  12. confirm that there is sufficient petty cash provision, if relevant, and that arrangements are in place to store it correctly in line with insurance instructions
  13. confirm exchange rate coverage if required

Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. details of the overall project, its objectives and timescales
  2. where to get information about overall budgets and existing allocations
  3. the creative objectives and how they impact on business objectives
  4. who to consult with to get information about likely costs, both in-house, in partner organisations and external to the organisation
  5. the relationship between the budget and the schedule
  6. how to confirm others understand the scale and type and cost of resources required
  7. what constitutes self-employment or employment for crew and the impact on the budget
  8. how to identify options which offer best value for money
  9. the types of contingencies that may arise, and how to take them into account
  10. how to identify petty cash requirements with insurers
  11. how to calculate a budget
  12. how to calculate exchange rates
  13. budgetary headings that should be used
  14. how to present budgets to others
  15. how to negotiate and provide structured arguments to support the size and allocations of your budgets
  16. procedures for recording agreed budgets
  17. who has the right to access budgetary information and who needs to be involved in agreeing initial and revised budgets
  18. which budgeting and financial control package to select, and how to use it
  19. when it is appropriate to seek financial advice and how to access it