
This standard is about understanding your role on each project and how it relates to other roles and departments. How you carry out your work in a productive way and respond positively to changing requirements and circumstances. You must also keep up-to-date with changes in industry practice.

Performance Criteria 

You must be able to:

  1. ensure your work is delivered on time and meets the brief
  2. communicate with others and ask for help when required
  3. assess problems and find solutions to achieve desired outputs
  4. review work with others and use feedback to revise work when required
  5. adapt to changes in work, creative requirements and technical developments
  6. identify when changes requested will have an adverse effect on budget, timescales, end result or other parts of the work and communicate this 
  7. store and provide work as required
  8. maintain confidentiality of sensitive information in line with legislation, regulations and organisational procedures
  9. refer work which is outside of your area of expertise
  10. keep up to date with emerging industry practice and changes in technology

Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to interpret the requirements of the brief
  2. the pipeline or workflow and how your role and the roles of others fit into it
  3. how your role and responsibilities may need to change to handle the different requirements of different pieces of work
  4. the implications of changes on the budgets and resources with which you are involved
  6. how to seek and act on feedback to improve your practice
  7. how to adapt workflow or pipelines and plan solutions to deal with changes
  8. how to work as part of a team
  9. how to identify when previous ideas or work can be reused or adapted
  10. how to store work
  11. the implications of the legislation and regulations covering Data Protection
  12. the limitations of the resources and technology you use in in your role
  13. sources of information about developments in the industry