
This Standard is about making the most of the learning opportunities that are available to you.  It involves learning the techniques and methods of working as well as learning about yourself, the kind of skills you would like to develop and job you would like to progress to. 

Performance Criteria 

You must be able to:

  1. recognise opportunities to develop your practice
  2. identify the skills and knowledge required to work competently in own role
  3. identify colleagues and contacts to learn from and develop relationships 
  4. identify sources to learn about resources, technology, equipment and techniques
  5. seek constructive feedback about your performance and evaluate this to identify development needs
  6. ask questions to develop your understanding
  7. ask for help whenever you are uncertain about how to carry out a task or what is required
  8. find out who can provide reliable support and advice so that you can develop understanding quickly and thoroughly
  9. make opportunities to learn about the work and to assist with tasks
  10. find out about protocols, standards, conventions, any other departments or processes involved and how the other people involved do their jobs
  11. maintain your own continuous professional development to update and add to your skills and knowledge
  12. set and review objectives for training needs, performance and progress
  13. identify the potential job roles that you might aspire to
  14. identify the next step in developing your career


Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the importance of developing your skills and how it might affect your career
  2. how to check that your career and learning expectations are realistic and achievable
  3. how to show others that you understand the
  4. pressures and responsibilities of work 
  5. how and when to ask questions about things you do not understand
  6. your own learning style
  7. how to assess quality of work to expected industry standards
  8. the layout of the workplace, the people involved and how different locations and facilities are referred to
  9. sources of information you need in order to make the most of opportunities
  10. equipment you can use and tasks you assist with
  11. how to identify potential mentors and develop a productive mentoring relationship
  12. how to manage your continuous professional development to keep your skills and knowledge updated