EUSWNC15b Carry out in-line water mains connections to live networks


This Standard is about carrying out in-line water mains connections.

This involves carrying out and testing live connections in line with approved procedures to ensure protection of water quality and the integrity of water networks.

This Standard is for water network construction operatives who carry out in-line water mains connections.


You must be able to:      

  1. obtain information about mains connection work from relevant people, seeking clarification when required
  2. carry out connections in line with relevant industry guidance, method statements and work instructions
  3. carry out connections in compliance with relevant quality and hygiene standards at all times
  4. carry out connections in line with safe working procedures at all times
  5. use industry recognised methods to test fittings
  6. seek advice regarding any work that cannot be done to specified standards from appropriate people
  7. inform water companies when connections are complete using approved procedures
  8. complete connection documentation with accurate information and store it in the specified place
  9. provide completed work documentation to appropriate people when required

Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. water company Design and Construction Specifications (DCS) and organisational procedures for connecting to live networks and testing connections
  2. equipment and tools required for mains connections and how to use them
  3. approved types of connection and jointing procedures
  4. hygiene procedures related to ensuring the integrity and cleanliness of water supplies and the importance of personal hygiene
  5. relevant health and safety legislation including types and use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  6. approved signals and signs for securing and making the work area safe
  7. company procedures and lines of responsibility for clarifying instructions, seeking advice and updating on progress
  8. documentation requirements and how to complete and store them